Sunday, the 19th of May

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I think I got woken up about 6am by a thunderstorm. I remember it being REALLY heavy (which is just lovely), but then I fell back asleep in like 5s (which just sucks as I would love to enjoy that weather a bit more).

Morning - chilling, but not for very long as I wanted to still work on my thesis for a while before mum and J. arrive. I managed to go through some part of it.

Turned out that this one parcel from BVB was only a sticker xD
That's so cute tho<3 I did not expect them to send it separately<3

Mum and J. left to attend chuch and I went back to my thesis. Tho, I was not very productive this time, cause I went back to my university research (and that was when I found that I was probably late for the signups for the perfect profile for me...). Anyway.

Dinner with mum and J. plus a lot of talking.

We were supposed to watch one speedway match together (Gorzów vs. Grudziądz), but it was cancelled because of the rain.

I bought a train ticket for Thursday, cause I have to go back home like that (these next two weeks are going to be crazy in this aspect).

And then we bought tickets for Dracula play in Łódź for Friday the 24th (this exact date, cause 1) there was very few tickets left (we're in the last row, but that's still something, I guess) and 2) Marcin Franc takes part in this one<3). The end of May is going to be not only stressful, but also exciting. That's something.

Mum and J. left and I went back to my thesis. I finally closed my work. (I managed to do that before 7pm and then I caught up with my chapters.)

I think there's going to be a speedway match in 15min. I will probably glance at it from time to time. I still have to do my Duo lessons and reply to the vampire plot (cause I left it for more than a day).

Speedway time!
Częstochowa vs. Toruń.
Well... Nevermind. This one got cancelled as well.

Replied to the vampire rp. Then I went through some edits and sent them to Z.

Hamlet at Elsinore (1964):
Time to take a break from the Crow. Z. actually pushed me back into my Hamlet phase so... Let's use this opportunity.
3h of a play, let's go.
Okay, I'm glad that's Laertes and not Hamlet.
Hamlet himself could be a bit younger tho. Waiting for Horatio.
OMG THE WAY HE IMMEDIATELY SMILED WHEN HE SAW HORATIO<33 That's too much... Also. Horatio kinda hot.
Damn, he only welcomed the others and then just hugged Horatio again<3
I love how Horatio told the story about the ghost. He's so engaged and sweet<3
Why is Ophelia a child?
The way they called for him was so cute. Awh xD
Oh he's going crazy...
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, I knew that was them xD
This is so funny that all of them think his madness is because of his love for Ophelia.
To be or not to be!
I love how sarcastic he is towards Ophelia.
Ros and Guil are very discreet xD
Yeah, no more marriages. He prefers Horatio anyway.
(I got hella distracted. But at the same time I know this play very well anyway.)
I love Hamlet's sense of humour.
I have no fucking idea what is Ophelia singing about.
(Not paying much attention again, cause W. started rping H. and H. with me :D)
The skull scene!
Aww Hamlet and Horatio during the scene before the duel >> What a powerful duo.
The way he holds the hat xD
Omg Laertes in white and Hamlet in black. Very cool.
With two swords each? Interesting.
"Horatio. I'm dead. Thou livest." That gave me chills...
"Goodnight. Sweet Prince." I'm crying.
Wait a minute... You're telling me that the old man from Now You See Me played Horatio? That's crazy!

Now I'm just going to chill for half an hour and then go to sleep. I hate Sundays in this aspect.

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