Thursday, the 21st of March

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Happy Slytherin Day! And happy Hufflepuff day for yesterday :D

Not cosplaying XOXO today. I needed a break.

Morning - just chilling. Nothing much happening. Mum approved my idea about skipping the next week's seminar and simply going back home on Wednesday after classes. I'm going to have a break which is going to be as long as the previous one :D

It was raining as I left home. Really nice, fresh rain. Also, the scent of blooming cherry/plum trees and the warm wet concrete >>>
I love this vibe<3

I wasn't really going to go talk to D., but I think she wanted all of us to consult her. She laughed about my first chapter being so long, but it was in a friendly way. Then she asked if my second chapter is going to be 28 pages xD I said no, but I also clarified that it was going to be longer than I thought again. I got a green light to skip theoretical chapter fully and just insert some theories in my analytical chapters. That's great.
But yeah, I promised her the second chapter for the next week, so I will really have to write it this week.
And I also promise to start thinking about the third chapter during the Easter break; and she joked that I will do it between the sour soup [żurek] and the pount cake [babka] (new words, let's go)<3
I was the first one to talk to her today, so I left literally 30min after the class started.

So, I decided to use this free time and quickly go shopping. I went to the "magic" shop to buy a ring for mum (the bead one, cause the previous one brok). Eventually I bought three for her and one for myself :D
Then I visited tiger to buy a little Easter gift for S. (some sweets and markers with stamps). I really hope he is going to like it.

Back at home. Spaghetti and chilling. Nothing special for the main part of the afternoon/early evening.

I caught up with this chapter and now I'm going to do my Duo lessons and then maybe read something? Or simply rp with Z. G. (cause we're planning on carrying some short plot tonight) and watch something. Like I said, I have a whole list to watch for the next few days.

Started the "psycho" S. rp with Z. G.
Hopefully she likes it ^^'

Movie time! Tangled series! (I'm hoping to watch the whole of it today apart from the tv series.)
Tangled (2010):
This is basically one of my fav childhood movies. I remember watching it in a cinema. And I had a Maximus figurine<3
I probably won't be making many notes here tho. Maybe just some
Damn Flynn is an Assassin.
Damn. Now I really see how the mother Gothel is toxic with her replies. I didn't really see it that way in the Polish version.
I love how she curls up in her hair xD
I love the suns btw. It's like Nilfgaard.
I actually love them singing about their dreams xD
Omg later W. made me realise that Mozart was mentioned there :D
My fav part of the soundtrack - the fair.
I really like Rapunzel's energy. She's so pure and innocent. Also, her ship with Eugene >>>
Damn, I genuinely cried.
Also, his first words after he woke up >>>
Also, the family hug with Eugene >>>

Because of the Nilfgaard part, me and W. started a new short plot - with S. being like E. and C. being like his C. Really cool. It's G. and D. all over again.

Tangled Ever After (2012):
This one is only 6min. I need to make myself some tea first, tho.
I don't think I've ever seen this one.
Omg pretty flowers.
Okay, this one was just a typical wedding short. Same as with Frozen.

Tangled: Before Ever After (2017):
I think I should probably watch the series first, but I'm not going to do that just yet.
I wonder what this one is about.
Okay. So coronation.
Omg Eugene's suit >>>
Oh yeah, I was wondering who was going to be the villain here.
Ah yes. A Frenchwoman. Typical.
Poor Eugene...</3
I like Cassandra. But this is very irresponsible.
I wonder what Lady Caine looks like.
Omg the owl is so cute.
I think I know this song. But I have no idea from where.
The hair is back. Interesting.
She probably still could catch her hair with the broken sword. Let's be real.
Omg the French lady is the villain. Damn. She's pretty.
(I started falling asleep. Why am I so tired when literally nothing happens those days and it's not even late?)
Eugene is really sweet. He's a really nice boyfriend.
Okay wait. So the tv series is the continuation? Also, they need to figure out how to get rid of the hair, cause she doesn't have them for the wedding.
Oo nice foreshadowing at the end :D

The BC tour started today. Can't wait to see them in Wrocław. Also, they do play Dark Side. I am SO glad. I've heard them play it two times already, but it's their most iconic song and I really wanted mum and J. to hear it as well<3

Okay, I know that I said I'm not going to start the tv series but... the episodes are actually quite short...

Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure (2017).
RTA S1e1:
Now I know from where I knew the song. It's in the intro.
Her? Oh okay, just a nightmare probably.
Damn, the dynamics between Cass and Eugene xD
Omg Varian mentioned! (Marcin Franc gives him his voice in the Polish version.)
Is he Cass's brother? The hair is basically the same.
Omg a poster with the correct nose.
Okay, Varian is shady. And I love it. (I mean, I know he becomes a villain later, but yeah...)
Omg all this for nothing.
Oh yeah, I remembered this guy to be a villain go some kind.
(Started falling asleep so horribly again. I'm going to sleep right after I finish.)
(Nevermind. I'm not finishing it.)

It's just a normal diary (pt.4)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ