Monday, the 13th of May

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Morning. I had some crazy dreams today. And they were connected. I wonder if they meant anything.

Dressed up in The Crow-themed clothes again. I really liked this look.

I was in a very combative mood today - I argued with P. C. twice! I am still going to stand my ground. There is literally no way I'm wrong - I provided solid arguments for my first choice, and the second one turned out to be backed up by the rest of the group. That was fucking brilliant.

Conversation class was really nice as well. I talked to E. for the first part. I have to admit, I really enjoy having conversations with her. It's really enjoyable. I can actually learn something about her, her culture, her country, and the general way the English perceive the world. That is really cool. And for the second part I talked to A. B., so that was a pleasure as well.

Betard tram.

Back at home – dinner and chilling. I even started falling asleep. (And I think I actually slept for about 5min.) Then I tried to take a nap while listening to music. Of course I did not fall asleep again.

So, I gave up with sleeping and decided to watch the new Sam and Colby video. Man. My emotions towards this video are a rollercoaster. First, I was ultra hyped up, cause of the way they advertised it. Then, I learned it was going to be with The Boys and my hopes plummeted down like crazy. And then... I finally watched it. The first hour was nothing special and I was almost disappointed. Sure, it was cool, but nothing as crazy as to call it one of their best videos. But then... The last circa 15 minutes... My god. What the hell was that Estes Method?! My heart was rushing like crazy while I was watching it and for some time afterwards. Damn. Now I have to watch it with Z. (We are going to do so during the one after the next call :D)

Then I finally came back to my thesis to make some final corrections in the parts that I'd written during the weekend. It took me not longer than 15 minutes. That's nice.

It's 8:09pm now. I have to think what to do now. I will probably reply to the vampire plot and then we'll see.

Wattpad simply stopped working, so I'm simply noting this down in a file. This is going to be so uncomfortable when I watch the next episode of The Crow.

Wattpad is back. I'm reading The Witcher for a while now.

Is this the right series?
Omg it started really cool.
Yo! I didn't recognise Top Dollar. Why is he kinda hot now?
We need more scenes with Eric with make up.
Wait what? But it's not her.
Damn. Eric is so hot in the fight scene.
I am so glad he did not go with Shelley.

Replied to the vampire plot.

What the hell is this setting all of a sudden?
Sarah is brilliant: "I forgot what a busy social schedule you have."<3
(I started falling asleep. I should not watch these lying down.)
Black Feather was a cute name choice.
Awesome. Nice healing.
This scene is such a mood, I can't.
"I'm the current model." XD

Replied to the vampire plot again.

One more episode for tonight.
Aww this blond boy is so cute.
This poor boy :(( This plot actually makes me sad.
I am going to cry (the meeting between the son and the father)</3
He's a bit like Little Misfortune.
Oh shit. That wasn't the plan.

I fell asleep while watching yt and chilling. And then I woke up at 3:16am, I remember the exact time. And then... I genuinely had some troubles falling asleep. I heard some weird noises and knocks. But then I finally fell asleep, I don't even know when. I only remember waking up the next day.

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