Wednesday, the 28th of February

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Blind Channel released XOXO! And it's really good! Yet another heavy song from them<3

It wasn't supposed to rain when I was going to the classes, but it was. Oh well... At least not heavily, cause my coat wasn't really waterproof.

The class (his. gram.) was really cool today. We learnt some runes (I already knew some of them, but some were completely different from what I knew) and some Old English letters. That was pretty cool :D

Nothing really happened later. Oh yeah, as I was going back home, a drunk man approached me, but I heavily ignored him (it was at a zebra crossing, unfortunately, so I wasn't really able to move away immediately). I was so scared he would followed me becasue of that tho...
I also talked to mum for a while.

Back at home. Dinner and then chilling. I nearly fell asleep. Genuinely, I have no idea why I am so tired all the time. I rest well, I don't have many classes or duties. Weird. Maybe the omnipresent stress is just with me all the time.

It's 7:38pm as I'm writing this chpter. I asked B. if he wants to do some lore tonight, but he wakes up early tomorrow. We might do that tomorrow or some other day tho :D I'm quite excited. Yeah, I really want to go back to doing lore cause in the morning I watched JM reacting to one of the SadIst animations and I got really nostalgic about the DSMP and T. (who still dosn't talk to me and I have no idea why). So yeah... This migth be a bit selfish, but I really want to try and find some time for that now.

Might read something for a while and then I'm planning on rewatching Will (2017), or at least starting it. It's just 10 episodes, so I should manage to finish it till the end of the week. I won't be reviewing it, tho, cause I'm pretty sure my review is already here somewhere and I don't wanna repeat myself. Besides, I just want to focus on the series and my fav characters :D

Reading The Witcher for a while and rping with W. in the meantime (just a cool conversation between M. and S.).

I don't think I am going to watch Will tonight. I don't know. I just feel like watching two movies again. I really wanted to rewatch Will yesterday, but toddy I feel I need something new.
Or maybe one movie and one/two episodes of Will? That could be a solution.

Another Bart Edwards movie (second out of three cause the rest are just tv series). Hopefully this one won't traumatise me so heavily xD
But, I think he is only a second plan/episodic character in this one. Unfortunately.
The Stranger In Our Bed (2022):
A white rose! What a pretty one :D
Wtf but she is calm xD
Okay but it opened with a murder scene and I think she killed someone. Now I wonder who.
OMG ITS BART!! I am so glad I actually recognised his voice already :D Damn, so hot...
Just don't tell me this is going to be his only scene xD
My god, for a second I thought that was Cahir (the waiter) xD
Is this England/London btw?
Okay that was NOT his last scene. Hopefully neither was this one xD
Omg is she pregnant? And probably not with her husband.
Damn, the house...
Come on, it's definitely not his child xD
Okay, at least I know it's London.
Daniel Evans. Noted.
Oh so he didn't leave her? Something happened to him?
How did he not hear that? XD that was so loud
I am a bit lot.
I am actually really content with what scenes Bart got in this movie xD
(And it started lagging. As always after the first half.)
No servants? Sus...
Oh sure. That's why the room was closed and only he had the key.
For a second I still thought he was alive... But it's just a memory. Why would he come and tell him that... Also, I have no idea how that loser won. Oh yeah. Like that. By accident. Of course.
Oh that's the scene. She didn't murder anyone.
Let's go! Finally! Come on... don't arrest him...
Um? But he's dead.
HE IS ALIVE!!! LET'S GO!!! I am actually SO HAPPY. For a sec I thought she talked about Tom and I got so afraid.

Nevermind. I'm not watching Will today. Give me some next movie.
I couldn't pick any movie, so I decided to go back to Will xD Don't judge me xD
I am actually so mad. I used the cable to make the internet better, but it is still lagging so much, even though the connection is perfect now. I actually can't stand it.
I am actually going to watch only one episode cause it's unbearable.
It got better as I made the quality worse. I might actually give it a try and watch the second one as well. It's only 1:28am after all and W. left to sleep so I am not even engaged with rping.
I actually used the next half an hour to read some Hamlet. Mainly in English, but also the soliloquy in French. Don't ask xD

In the meantime P. S. messaged me. I did not expect this interaction after all these years.

Also, I tried to find this one song which L. used in his videos (I remember looking for it a few years ago as well and I found it), but to no success.

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