Monday, the 18th of March

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Morning, just chilling. Continuing to watch AVM. The Witch episode was awesome. And the Parkour 0ne...  I knew that Purple was going to be the villain. Tho I think he might become a victim of his actions. Also, I am going to watch the rest of the series with Z. G. :D

Just chilling with mum for a while. This is my last full day home :(

Playing the keyboard for a while as well. I did great today, really.

In the meantime - rping with W. (M. and S., F.'s visit and then being awake in the middle of the night)

Started replying to the Mozalieri rp, but didn't finish. We left to lay a visit to my grandparents as tomorrow it's my grandad's Name Day and I'm not going to be here anymore.

Mum prepared a really nice Italian supper today. Like a pizza, but better.

And I finally finished the reply. I am really proud of it :D

Time to spend some more time with mum and help her with English. (Though it's 5 to 10pm already... I still want to play Witcher today and maybe watch something or reply to some other rp.)

Done with my two character profiles. Not very ambitious, but who cares.

Witcher time.
I got this one Nilfgaardian armour and omg it looks GREAT! For once.
And Plotka has a Nilfgaardian saddle now as well :D
I won in Gwint! Epic :D
Bożenka :(( </3

Just chilling for the rest of the evening. I was going to watch some yt, but started falling asleep rather quickly.

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