Friday, the 15th of March

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Morning, just chilling. Not much happening.

After I got up, I focused on writing my thesis. I continued and wrote one page (interpreted one poem) and then took a break cause mum came back from work. Then I wrote one more page. (Finally I stopped after writing like 2 and 1/3 or something. Not bad.)

Chilling for the rest of the day. I found some people for the newest rp (2 for now to be exact). I hope our cooperations turns out nice.

Evening - watching Cruella (2021) with mum. J. joined us for the ending as well. Damn, I really love this movie, ngl. It's super cool. Also, Artie could be played by Klemens from Hatari<3
I definitely need to work on my look. I want to have more outfits like her (and with all my black dresses, I think it is doable).

I really think I am forgetting something that happened today, but I can't really put my finger on it. Well... Whatever. I'm just gonna chill a bit more for now. (It's 11:08pm anyway. I don't think I'm gonna watch another movie tonight. Probably just chill on yt or play sth.)

K. is visiting W. and Z. G. left to visit a friend. What a fantastic weekend. Considering the first factor, I should write another Pamiętnik Zapomnienia, but it would be only two parts long and I don't know... I'm rather hesitant.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I installed DPET and now I have all the stickmen on my desktop (the main 5). Pity that there's no Victim. I'd love to have him.
Also, I started watching the MC series. It started in an epic way! Red and Blue are my favs for now. But I also still adore The Second Coming and Victim.

I also forgot to mention that in the morning I finally watched the S&C alt vid with 3am challenges and then I did the floor one with mum. It worked! That was so funny<3

I wasn't really going to watch anything tonight, but I chose E. R. for my oc for the new rp, so I'm going to rewatch Scream IV. I wanna see it knowing from the very beginning that she's the killer. Not going to make any notes, tho.

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