Friday, the 1st of March

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I forgot to mention that BC released this new album. From what I know, it's only on Spotify tho. I will wait for it being released on yt and then make a whole review of it.

It actually got released on yt in the middle of the night as well, I think. I am going to make a review of it later today :D

I am doing lore with B. tonight as well! We are going to start between 8:30-9pm. This is going to be fun. Feels good to be back. Tho I can't help, but feel nostalgic. I wish T. came back to talking to me. I am definitely going to try and make that happen, but I'm not sure if this is dependent on me.

Morning. Just chilling and watching JM watching some ghost videos. Yeah, I have a phase for those again. And for Shakespeare. I am so tempted to actually look for some people to rp with, but damn... I really shouldn't, considering the fact that I'm barely replying to those I already have...

Washed my hair.

Reading one text for my thesis. That wasn't really productive of me (and I also read it for the third time), but I figured that it was better than doing absolutely nothing. I don't know. I just wanted to feel a bit less guilty about not starting the second chapter this weekend, but it didn't really work. Ugh...

Eating some dinner, chilling a bit more.

Time to finally review Exit Emotions!
I can't wait to hear all the new songs :D
1) Where's the Exit: I like it already and it hasn't even been 10 sec. Damn. This is a heavy one<3 This album is such a perfect one that it's going to be so difficult to rank these songs. Like... This one won't be my favourite one (cause most certainly it's going to be Deadzone still), but like... I really like it. It's like a 7.5/10 at least. (second listen: I might have been too harsh on this one; it's easily 8/10 or even more; okay I wasn't supposed to mak notes on my second listen so I might just mark some new grades if I feel like it, but without any explanations, cause I want to actually focus on learning the lyrics XD "True love is made of hatred" >>> Also, this is a perfect song for a concert and the people shouting the "Yeah" part back, they know whay they're doing; also, fuck it. I am going to make notes. The updated ones will be in parentheses if there are some more remarks from me, just like here. Also, this song might be even 8.5/10, I don't wanna be harsh.)
Speak of the devil...
2) Deadzone: We already know this one and it's 10/10. I love the music, I love the lyrics, I love the music video. This is just pure perfection<3 (I agree with Sean Staxx here. This one might be one of the best songs they ever released.)
3) Wolves in California: First of all, I really like the title; it sounds promising. Damn, another heavy one. This one is a bit more cheerful, though, it seems. It doesn't mean I don't like it. It's like 6.5 or 7/10. (I actually love all the Finland references in this one. Really cool, nice detail. "The night is darkest just before the dawn / But where I'm from the sun don't rise at all" perfection. I also think that I was too harsh with it. 7.5/10 AT LEAST)
4) XOXO: We know this one as well, though it's relatively new. I am not sure how I would rate it yet. Let's give it one more listen. It has something from Dark Side in the background. And it's heavy. I really like it. 8.5/10 (Now when I saw the lyrics I understood why Sean complimented their rhymes. Like... mna. They are impossible. The song is brilliant, and now when I actually saw the lyrics, I love it even more. I also ADORE how the music builds up in the background in the second verse.)
5) Keeping It Surreal: Another new one. This is a lighter one as well. Unless it has a more powerful chorus. This one might be like a 6/10. Tho I remember when I rated Bad Idea poorly and then it became one of my favourite songs after I saw the alternative music video. I really have to give those songs a few more listens. And I need to analyse the lyrics more closely. (I should also learn them by heart for the concert in April.) (Omg the line: "If I died in a dream would you wake me up" lovely omg and then there is a plot twist with "Please don't", damn, that's so pretty. I definitely treated this one too harshly, it's like 6.5 or even 7/10. I don't know, I feel like all the grades I gave need to go up one up.)
6) Die Another Day: Yep, this one is slow and calm and peaceful, but truly amazing, even though it features a female artist. I don't know what to rate it yet, tho. One more try. This one is at leat 8.5/10 to me. And maybe even 9/10. I really feel it with my heart. Also, the bridge >> And the silence after it and the quiet and then the comeback of the heavier tones. I love it. Genuinely love it. (This one genuinely gives me shivers. I love it and I feel like crying while listening to it; though these might be the emotions from all the album in general. Their music is so beautiful and emotional, I can't...)
7) Phobia: The title is really promising. Please be cool. And please be another heavy one :D It won't be a heavy one. But it might be a beautiful one. It gave me shivers. I have to admit, this one is amazing. Might be like 8/10. OMG THE SWITCH TO HEAVY! That was SO UNEXPECTED. Just for that part the song is 8.5/10!<33 Yep, from the ones I haven't heard yet, this is the best one so far. And the ending screams omg... (This one is actually SO PRETTY, I can't. The lyrics from the phobia's pov >>> And rhe music is like a perfect balance between the light and the heavy. Damn, the unexpected heavy moment actually enumerates people's phobias. This is epic. I might makem it even 9/10, honestly.)
8) Happy Doomsday: I used to not like this one that much, but then I kind of came round to it ([przekonać się do czegoś], yep, learning something new hah). For the first time I listened to it with W. and it seemed nothing special, but I relistened it later and now I consider the "Panic, panic, panic" part as just purely lovely. I don't know how to grade it yet. Let's give it a listen. This is a heavy one<3 It might be like 8.5/10 or maybe 9/10?, I think. Tho, I have to admit, all the songs that I like are really close here. All of them are like 8.5-10/10 for sure. (Taking into consideration that Phobia got 9/10, this one DEFINITELY has to as well.)
Okay now I actually think that there's only one song which I know left. I'm impatient to listent to the rest of them<3
9) Red Tail Lights: A heavier one again. I like the beginning. Keep it up. The chorus sounds really cool. 8/10 for now, and this is only the beginning. Yeah, I love the pace of the chorus and the background screams. (I really like the prolonged notes in this one. They are brilliant. This one is just perfect to listen to it in the middle of the night. Like... about 3/4am. This is definitely like 8.5/10. Like I said, I'm pushing them all up, now when I know the lyrics and they are just perfect.)
10) Not Your Bro: Nice opening sound. Getting heavy straightway, let's go! Wait... Was this "Thank you, thank you, fuck you"? Awesome. This is a dark one, not only in sounds. The whole vibe is just dark. and this one is not even that heavy (yet). This is like 8/10 for now. Omg and it got heavy. Lovely. (I actually noticed this brilliant line already when I listened to it for the first time, but I wanted to make sure it goes exactly as I heard it, and it does: "I'm not your bro, you broke me". You can't tell me this is not brilliant. Also, this one is definitely more than 8/10 now; more like 8.5/10 again. The chorus is absolutely amazing and breathtaking at times.)
11) Flatline: I know this one and I love this one. It's like 9 or 9.5/10 for me. The lyrics is just >>> I don't even have to say anything more about it. Oh I'm going to scream this so loud during the concer... Some of the lines of the verses... This one is basically 10/10. The only thing is that if I had to choose only one it would be Deadzone. (I just realised why I know the lyrics of this one already. It's becasue it's really short hah. No but it is also really catchy. This song has like my favourite lines about skydiving.)
And now, time for the last one.
12) One Last Time... Again: I like how it began. The silence and then the punch. OMG THE CHORUS. It's immediately like 8.5/10 for me. This is a perfect ending song. The album is so well paced. Damn, the song develops so well... The chorus gives me shivers<33 THE SCREAMS. I AM BASICALLY SPEECHLESS. This might be even 9 or 9.5/10. This ending gave me goosebumps. It was SO SO SO epic<33 (The chorus basically gave me fucking shivers again. It's too perfect. MY GOD THE LYRICS OF THE SECOND VERSE ARE SO CLEVER!<33 The bell in the background; this is something I forgot to write down during the first time I listened to it.)

I think I want to relisten all these song with headphones now. And the ones that were released before, I might listen to with Sean Staxx just to watch his reactions again. Also, I want to look up the lyrics and start learning them already.

All in all, tho, the album is SO epic. 10/10. I am so grateful I discovered this band, cause they are simply brilliant.

I also need to go through Sean's BC playlist, cause I really enjoy listening to the boy's music with him :D
It feels like doing it with a friend who vibes as heavy as you are<33 Best feeling.

I genuinely can't express how grateful I am to live in the times when BC create their music. This is just... Damn. Their music speaks to me. I feel like Salieri listening to Mozart, minus the negative feelings. I'm totally hypnotised with this album. And to think that I am going to see it performed live in April... It's so soon<33 (I also wonder if they are going to perform some old songs (probably not as they already have 12 new ones) or at least Dark Side.)

Well... It's already 9:24pm and B. is still not here. I might wait a bit more (I am going through Sean's BC videos anyway) and then leave the server, and maybe watch something. If he wants to do some lore later and he messages me, I will obviously be down. I will stop watching then. (That's why I might start with Will tonight. Just not to break something I don't know yet in pieces.)
Update: Not even five minutes after I wrote my previous lines, B. messsaged me to ask if we could do the lore tomorrow cause he is exhausted. Of course I agreed. He is really sweet<3

Okay then. Time to do something else then. I could reply to some rp, but I don't know if I have the energy. I might, but I'll see in a sec. And then I will choose something to watch for tonight.

Managed to reply to two rps (the demon one and the ghost one). I am really proud of myself. Those weren't that long, but still, my inspiration and energy was needed. Also, in the meantime rping with W. (some plot with S. and M.).

Time to choose something to watch for tonight :D
12 Years a Slave (2013):
A Benedict Cumberbatch movie. But he's not any of the main characters. Whatever. Let's give it a try. (Probably just one movie tonight and then maybe one or two episodes of Will.)
True story. Let's go.
For w sec I stared wondering why I am watching this movie xD The topic doesn't interest me like... at all. But yeah. Benedict.
Hamilton xD
Yep. That was too good to be true.
Ford, finally! (Benedict)
I don't know. I can't really focus on the movie. Not my vibes.
Yeah, I was about to say that he can't die as it's not even one half of the movie.
This scene drags on for too long.
Oh yeah, it is the actress from AHS, Sarah Paulson. I was right.
Come on. Isn't it obvious that he's going to be punished for this?
I am genuinely not paying attention (dealing with my fb friends again).
Their music starts to annoy me.
Damn, this movie is too long, for real. And I don't really know what's going on, as I'm not paying attention. I only know some general plots.
(Also, not going to watch Will after this.)

In the meantime, rping with W. (a short plot between N. and J. and then also A. and G.)

Also, this is so funny how my BC album review is so much longer than the review of the movie. This says a lot about my passion while writing both of them.

And then... You would never guess. I fell asleep while watching youtube.

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