Saturday, the 23rd of March

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It's already a quater past 11pm, so it's high time to finally catch up with some summary of this day. Don't be surpristed that I'm only writing it now. I really had enough writing for the past two days.

Morning. Chilling. Rping with W. (the S. and C. in the Witcher universe plot, with the reveal that S. is actually Emhyr's son and a witcher). Washed my hair. That was the morning.

Then I sat down and wrote the last subchapter of the second chapter of my thesis! It was tiring, but it was satisfying. I managed to smuggle the Dahmer poem there. I really wish it could stay there for the final version. I started about 2pm and finished about 5pm.

Dinner. Talking to mum on the phone for a while. Some more chilling.

Then about 6:30pm I got on call with Z. G. as we were supposed to watch Over the Garden Wall. And we did! And she really liked it! I'm so glad<33 We watched the whole of it, as it lasted about 1h and 40min. And then we still talked about many different things. The whole call took up 3h and a half in total! That was epic. We finished about 10pm. That was crazy :D

Eating some late dinner and rping with W. (S. coming back from a delegation).

Time to watch something (as it's nearly 11:30pm now). And by something I mean continuing the RTA :D I really like this little cartoon. It's cute. Also, I really should reply  to the short plot I have with Z. I will, in a sec.

Oh damn, the king is going with him. This is not going to end well.
I did not expect a seal seal.
(And it started lagging...)
Aww the seal is free :D
It took me really long to watch this one cause I'm rping with W. and Z. in the meantime.
Omg Varian is back.
Is he in love with Cass? But I thought he's a child.
Oh no, she's going to use him and trick him.
(I can't focus. All of a sudden I started falling asleep again.)
Poor boy :(( I knew it.
This man is such an idiot... poor boy </3
Aww she saved him.
Aww he's such a cutie. I love him.
Cassie. Nice.
Also, she looks pretty in a uniform. But without the helmet.
Uuu, more lore.
I think I saw this one already at some point.
Is she in love with Varian now? Nah, probably sb else.
Oh yeah, I remember now. He was a liar tho of I remember correctly. Like w thief or a criminal.
The drawings on the scroll were really cute tho.
Omg she knew.
Damn, Rapunzel...
I wonder who is it this time.
The last one for today, I think. It's 2:26am already.
I love the threatening tactics xD
I also think I saw this one at some point. The giant cupcake suit looks familiar.
Poor Attila :((
That must have been the goat tho, right?
I love the old lady.

New ig photos! Yes, finally :D

It's 3:31am already, but honestly? I really am not tired tonight...

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