Friday, the 19th of January

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Morning. Just chilling for quite a while, cause I didn't have that much to do. I mean, sure, I should probably work on my thesis, but whatever. My plan for today was only the lit. th. presentation. "Only."

I worked on it for quite a while. Like... 5h with some breaks, I think. I don't really care that much about it. I wasn't even sure what the prof wants to see so... Yeah. I focused on one theme from Pride and Prejudice and that's basically it. I don't know. I just want to pass. I also added some memes, so I hope she won't kill me for that.

In the meantime - rping with W. (the vampires plot and also some shorter ones, also with S. and C. - with them we did more planning about the fantasy plots we want to do in the future).

And that was basically my day. Like... from 2pm till 7pm I've worked on the presentation and then ate "dinner" and chilled for a while.

Now it's 10 to 10pm, so I'm going to do my Duolingo lesson and then maybe watch one episode of AHS (might have time for that, but at 11pm I'm talking to W., so we will see).

Also, forgot to mention that earlier, but I got a 5 from yesterday's buss. trans. test :D

Won't be watching AHS. I have too little time for a full episode.

Talking to W. from about 11:30pm till about 4:30am. That was a long, but very funny call. I love our interactions. We were going to play MC or AU together, but W.'s internet was rather rebellious.

After we finished I just went to sleep, cause it was rather late anyway and I didn't want to wake up later than 11am.

It's just a normal diary (pt.4)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن