Wednesday, the 20th of March

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I think that I had a dream about T. again. But that must have been when I woke up before the alarm cause I didn't really remember it afterwards. I must have gone back to sleep.

Also, after I woke up, I relised that there was a strange note in my direct messages to myself. Weird things about it? I don't remember writing it. I have no clue what it means, cause it must have been written when I was half asleep. I think I was already sleeping at the point it was sent. Like... It was sent at 3:14am, and I was sure that I went to sleep at/before 3am... This is so weird. And it really bothers me that I have no idea what it means.

Oh yeah, I was also welcomed by W.'s rp started - some plot with A. S. and R. Really cool. I really like court intrigues.

Cosplaying Wolves in California today! :D
Trousers: black, torn on the edges and the knees.
Top: blouse with torn sleeves, t-shirt with the wolf with green eyes, jacket - "American" one - grey-black one, "Colby style".
Skirts: wolves :D
One chain attached to the trousers, one on the neck. Sword, fang, and mjolnir necklaces. Simple rings - viking vibes. Viking vibes bracelets.
I really liked this outfit. I think it was great :D

Lecture: nothing special; as quick as always. Talking more about the old language and its features.
Exercises: trying to read OE out loud... The prof wanted to give us the assessment the next week, but we asked to move it after Easter. She agreed.

Magic bus and Betard tram :D

Back at home. Spaghetti for dinner. Chilling. I really don't have any work to do, apart from writing my thesis and I'm leaving that for the weekend. Rping some short pieces with W. - both A. and M. and S. and C.

At about 6:30pm I talked to Z. G. (YES!) and we watched the AVM to the end. I really enjoyed it - both watching together and the story. Then we also just talked for a bit about rps and stuff. We finished a bit before 9pm. Yep. That was a long call for the first time. But we got on like a house on fire :D

After that I texted her and W. for a little while and caught up with this chapter. At 10pm I am supposed to talk to W. and maybe play some MC (it's in 10min).

Talked to W. and played MC for about 2h. It was really cool :D

Time to finish I Saw the Light.
I wasn't really going to (cause I don't really understand this movie), but I want to be done with it.
Nice quote about the darkness in the humankind.
(Fuck me, oddly course it started lagging.)
(I really started falling asleep. This really doesn't help.)
29? He definitely didn't look this young.

That's it for today. I chose some movies to watch for the rest of my free time before I go home (more or less). Time to chill on yt for a sec (literally, I have more or less 5 min) and go to sleep.

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