Thursday, the 25th of January

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Just chilling for an hour in the morning, because I managed to wake up at 9:30am.

Betard bus :D

Then I had the seminar, but we basically finished after like 15min or just a bit more and then had the 1:1 consultations. It was genuinely nice. Also, the prof raised my grade to 5 (from 4.5) just like that only after I talked to her. I genuinely didn't change anything there.
And then we were free, there was no second class and the classes with A. finished last week with the final test.

Also, apparently our new uni timetable got released, but I didn't have the time and energy to check it yet.

Betard tram :D

Back at home. Just did my Duolingo class and chilled for the rest of the afternoon and evening. I don't know. I was really tired and simply started falling asleep. I think it's because the last week's stress and the two presentations I'm having tomorrow.

When I finally got up, I revised the presentations for tomorrow - the last revision! (Well, I will probably still revise tomorrow right before them, but this was like last full revision.)

Also, I forgot to mention, but yesterday I finished the Werewolf Season in Magic Awakened, it was really nice. That was the first season I participated in and finished as it was still happening, so I managed to gain the final reward :D

I don't have the energy to pack my stuff for tomorrow. I will probably do it tomorrow, already when mum and J. arrive here.

Also, my book with Mozart's letters was finally sent today! I doubt it will arrive tomorrow, unfortunately, cause I will have to wait till Monday, but still! It's finally on its way<33

Now I'm probably just going to do some more Duo lessons and then watch something (probably just continue AHS, cause I don't trust my internet enough as to start some movie..., especially that
earlier today it had disappeared completely for a while...). It's 7:40 now, so I have quite a lot of time. I could probably be more productive, but I really need some rest now to be able to work later this month and the next month.

I've checked the timetable. It genuinely is not that bad. Provided that I manage to sign up for the classes I want to have the next semester, as always.

Oh damn. He created a Siamese sisters himself. Crazy.
Don't tell me he wants to bath in her blood now to get the powers...
Leave Jimmy alone.
Jimmy, come on... you have higher standards... You could be with Maggie rn...
"When you protect the past, you lose the future."
Oh damn, all the bodies in the swimming pool. He now takes all the possible blood baths.
I kinda like the plot with him being a psycho. It is developing interestingly.
Awh, the sister scene... I have tears in my eyes...
(COME ON! It played smoothly for nearly half an hour and now it won't let me watch any further...)
That was kinda disgusting.
It this past or present or what? I don't know, I'm confused...
Fuck this man... He is so disgusting.
Oh damn, and the doctor is fake...
Oh my god, really? He agreed just like that?
Naah, not with her... Please... No! Don't agree... What about Maggie... Yes! Let's go!
OH COME ON! It wasn't him...
I genuinely hate this man so much...
Okay, so now we're getting all the remaining backstories? Nevermind. It's probably just about Pepper.
Also, Elsa's clothes in those flashbacks >>> The elegance...
Why are we not talking about Jimmy tho? Where is he? Why is no one helping him?
Oo Maggie's backstory as well.
(Well... now even AHS won't let me watch without cutting every 2 minutes... What is wrong with this shit...)
Yeah... I knew there were going to be Jimmy's hands... poor boy...
OMG SEASON TWO REFERENCE!! So this is kinda chronological now.
(I had to change the quality to the lowest and only now it works a little bit better... This sucks so much.)
My god, those people are horrible...
This ending with Elsa on the cover was so sad...

I would probably have time to watch another one, but honestly? I'm done with struggling against the fucking internet. Done.

In the meantime - rping with W.
We continued the plot with S. being unconscious and the baron's visit. And then we finally woke up our sleeping prince.

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