Friday, the 29th of March

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Morning. I remember having some crazy dreams, but I have no idea what they were exactly.

Just chilling, mainly rping with W. (still the plot with M. and S. and the public house; they finally left; and we also came up with a plot where the general was going to get married, but the captain interrupted his wedding). I also shared some S&C edits with Z. G. and she seemed to really like it :D That's a win for me<33

Washed my hair. I look like a female version of A. S. again - the long black skirt, the black lace blouse, and the dark green coat/dress on top. Lovely. And W. complimented it as well<3

Now it's time to be productive. I don't feel like working on my thesis again, but I am planning on finishing the historical grammar notes before we go to church. Yep, we're going today, cause the Great/Good Friday liturgy is my fav, I think.

I finally finished the notes. I think this might be the only thing I will do today in terms of being productive. I don't feel inspired enough to try and correct my thesis.

Then we went to church. It lasted longer than I expected (and I still hadn't eaten nearly anything at that point in the day), but it was cool to sing all those sad songs. I really like their vibe.

Then we visited my grandparents for a short while.

Back at some. Dinner at 9pm. Fantastic. And we watched The Imitation Game. Damn, how I love the soundtrack of this movie. It (the movie) might have been a bit too heavy for mum, but I think she liked it overall and even had some laughs.

Past 11pm - talking to W. We played MC for quite a while and then had a lot of fun with some tier lists. It was really nice<3

Rping a bit more, but then we went to sleep as it was already past 3am.

It's just a normal diary (pt.4)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang