Friday, the 24th of May

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Morning. Just some chilling.

Then I washed my hair and attempted to study a bit.
I managed to go through the recorded lecture and i started rewriting the questions for the historical grammar final test.

There was a thunderstorm for about 10 seconds... Why so short? :((

Then I basically just got ready to leave. It's Dracula time!
My outfit: chain skirt, net blouse, transparent black dress, wide leather belt (borrowed from mum), pearls, sword necklace, some rings and... lace gloves! Plus dark red lipstick and nail varnish. I love the outfit so much. It gives off vampire vibes :D

As we were leaving, a downpour and very strong wind started. That was so nice :D

On my way to Łódź currently. I managed to catch up with the chapters and now I'm going to chill with some music :D

Okay, about the musical...
It was so perfect 😭🖤
I just can't express how much I enjoyed it.
I went there for Marcin, obviously, but Dracula ended up being my favourite character. Like... oh my god. His voice, his hair, his outfits >>
His final song gave me literal shivers!
And all the songs were just awesome. Pity that there's none of them on YouTube. I would even pay to listen to them again. Damn.
(I won't note down any details, cause I'm writing it the next day, but the musics was just perfect.)
It lasted 3.5h with a short break in the middle.
A lot of the scenes just left me in awe and speechless.

Also, I looked stunning and I was just reaping all the glances from all around :D

I have some news... Z. and I are incorporating Dracula in our rp xD
Yep, that was expected xD

Well... Of course we missed the speedway matches today, but I don't regret that at all.
Leszno vs. Lublin 40:50, and Zielona Góra vs. Częstochowa got cancelled.

As we were coming back home, the moon was very unusual. So big and yellow. Is that some kind of a sign...? I don't wanna insinuate anything, but my second name is Elizabeth...

The way home seemed much shorter. I tried to sleep, but with little to no success.

Back at home - I uploaded my thesis to the apd. Fucking finally. And I finished the notes I started before.

Playing The Witcher:
Leshy done :D He was level 37 not 34 btw xD
My new black and gold gloves are just >>

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