Tuesday, the 2nd of January

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The last "free" day. The last day of me being at my family house.
BUT! It's also Colby's bday! All the best wishes, man! I haven't known you even for a year yet, but it surely has been an epic journey :D

I don't know. This was a sad day. I'm writing this at 7:41pm.

Morning - just chilling. I watch Sap's and George's new videos. They were cool. I got really nostalgic with the George's one, because all of them were together back then (the whole smp I mean).
Oh yeah, I also watched Sam's video about the marathon. It got me so motivated to do something more, but oh well... right after that the reality crushed me again - all the uni studying, apprenticeship, my thesis... this year sucks.

Later - I've finally written my essay. It took me quite a while and I passed 1000 words, but whatever. I'm just glad this one is over.

And then... we ate some pizza, I packed my stuff and then we left.
Oh yeah, I also said goodbye to my grandparents.

I thought I could go back home for my bday, but our last day of classes is Monday the 29th. Why the hell would they give us this Monday... If I don't have the final speaking assessment on that day, I will probably skip the classes and go back home on Friday the 26th.
I also thought we have some more free time, not just until the 20th of February...

I tried to sleep in the car, but to nearly no success. I don't know. It was raining tho so it was cool.

Back at Wrocław. Just unpacked my stuff, printed some exercises for uni, and did my Duolingo lessons (might do some more later). And now I'm basically waiting for mum and J. to leave and I will probably start crying. I don't know. This is going to be really hard time for me (especially with K. still being at W.'s place and then going to all this cool places me and W. were supposed to go...).

Also, that one girl who wanted to do some Mozart rp with me (I don't think I mentioned her yesterday) still hasn't messaged me so... yeah.

Yep, they left and I cried. Not as much as I thought I would. I guess I just focused on other things.

I've written two poems. I'm kind of proud of how they came out. I should write three in total, but I don't want to make the last one sound forced. I have only two left to write (the last one being tomorrow) so I will probably catch some inspiration in the meantime :D

Oh yeah, that girl from the Mozart rp messaged me as I was writing the poem. Might reply to her later.

Time to go back to Duolingo and maybe do some music lessons.

I went back to reading "Mistrz i Małgorzata", but I started from the very beginning. I wanted to brush up on what happened before.

Rping with W. in the meantime - just some short plots tho, with M. choosing clothes.

Now, it's past midnight already so I'm just gonna chill with some edits for a while and go to sleep. What a waste of time after literally going to sleep past 4am... But oh well. I have classes in the morning. Wish me luck with getting up and not oversleeping.

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