Wednesday, the 7th of February

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First tragedy - I overslept. I woke up about 11am, while the plan was to wake up between 9:30 and 10:00. Amazing. Oversleeping is one of those things that irritate me gravely.

Second tragedy - my period began, so I'm basically dying here.
I am so glad that I wrote this one subchapter of my thesis yesterday, casue today it would be really difficult. Well... I should write the next subchapter today, but I might just read something about biological war instead cause I intend on using that text, but I don't remember it in enough detail.

I read some part of the text for my thesis (I mean the whole text that I wanted to, but I discovered some additional part that I might have a look at.), but then the pain became kinda unbearable (second painkiller still didn't help). So then I got involved in helping him with her English hw.

Rping with W. for a while - the witch and the hunter plot, our first plot of this kind, I think.

Reading some more of the text. The pain finally weakened a bit.

Watching FB and Where to Find Them with mum and J. (Yes! He actually watched it with us :D) It was a lot of fun. Mum liked it better than the HP series, so I'm glad. She even wanted to watch the second part today, but when we finished it was already 10pm. Maybe tomorrow.

Witcher time!
I should probably write something, but whatever.
Omg that one mission with Reinald... The boss fight... That made me sweat.
Osmund and Reinald are a ship for me.
Also. I really like how the ghost movement is animated here.

I wrote another chapter of His Daughter, but I didn't have the opportunity to proofread it yet and so I didn't publish it. (Sorry but it's already 10 to 3am as I've finished writing it and I do not trust myself that I will proofread it correctly. I'll try and do it tomorrow.)

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