Tuesday, the 14th of May

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Apparently, yesterday was Florent's bday... How could I miss that?! That's so heartbreaking...

Just chilling in the morning. I didn't really have any obligations for today (or so I thought). I just watched a Sam and Colby video. I am determined to rewatch all of them and choose those which I want to rewatch with Z.

Then I called my grandparents for a sec. They were really happy and we had a little talk about different things.

After the call I was determined to start revising some poems for my BA exam, but then... I realised that the lecture prof uploaded four presentations. Eventually I managed to catch up with one fully (one was a past one) and start catching up with one, but there was just too much writing... I just hope that the one which was supposed to be last week will be discussed tomorrow and not left for us to study on our own...

6:40pm - talking to Z. 
In general we spent a bit more than 3h together.
We watched the music video from Tonight Is The Night I Die together only to adore the vampire plot.
Then we watched The Crow. Z. really liked this movie. That is a win for me :D
And then we watched the last video Sam and Colby uploaded on their second channel - the one with the handcuffs at the end. Worth it :D
And of course we also discussed our plots together. That was a really nice evening call.

About 10:20pm - talking to W. and playing mc for a while. It was really cool. We also came up with some new idea for our short rps. Now we want to include the relationship between Y. and L. This is going to be exciting.

Just texting Z. before going to sleep and going through TikTok. I also fell asleep for a sec while watching yt, but then I just came back to talking to Z. xD

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