Thursday, the 23rd of May

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This day was no less lucky, though it startred peacefully. More or less. I have my period days and it started off rather painful. Lovely...

Just chilling in the morning. Watching some S&C video.

Then I got ready and left for the seminar.

Also, the song Cold-Blooded by Zayde Wolf >>>
Don't ask me where I found it... (... an edit with L. ...)

I also started wondering if I maybe could meet with Z. during this break. I told her about that and she told me that she thought the same thing, but didn't want to ask because of my studying duties. I would really love to. I am just not sure if I should. But I was really inclined to arrage it at that point.

Then I learnt from M. S. that apparently there is going to be the final historical grammar test on the 5th as well... The same date as the 0-term exam. Like... What the hell? We were supposed to go over the last set of quesitons in the meantime and there is no more classes. Hello?
So yeah... That's another thing that I will have to be ready for before the 5th. That complicated the meeting arrangements. But I'm probably going to try and arrange it nonetheless. I just have to discuss this stuff with mum.

And then... D. K. did not come to the seminar. Apparently we were supposed to know that she won't be there (she said she messaged us, but that was not true). So... I could have gone back home yesterday or at least take the earlier tarin today (at 4:30pm and travel only for 2h instead the one at 7:30pm travelling for 2.5h...).
So... Yeah, more shitty news and more wasted time today.

I went home, talking to Z. (that was a fun 8-min conversation). Then I stopped at a bakery to buy myself some dinner. I nearly earned 40zł cause the shop assistant gave me 50zł instead of 10zł, but I told her about the error. I would feel so bad if I hadn't done that...

Back at my flat - packing my stuff and eating dinner.

At 4pm I called Z. cause earlier she offered that we could watch another episode of Will together just so I had something to do while waiting for the train. So... We watched the episode and talked for some time. We finished right before 6pm.

I finished packing my stuff and sat at my desk to catch up with yesterday's chapter as well as this one. I don't know. I just had no time and no energyg to write these earlier. Shitty days, what can I say.

In a few minutes I'm leaving for the train station and then I'm going to travel for 2.5h (I am going to be at home right before 10pm... That's so shitty.). Probably just listening to music and maybe rping. We will see, we will see.

If I want to meet with Z., I definitely should start revising tomorrow. I am quite determined to do so. We will see how it goes.

The train was on time, fortunately.
There were these two women one of whom just wanted to kill me bacuse SHE took MY window seat xD And she fucking complained about everything. Her friend just smiled at me from time to time, clearly understanding the ridiculousness of the other's behaviour.
The 2.5h passed rather quickly. I even managed to reply to the vampire plot. And I also rped with W. for a while (H. and H.).
Ah... Ostrów Wielkopolski train station will always hurt the same...

On my way home I told mum about what has been happening during the past days. And I cried. I guess I am just emotionally exhausted.

At home.
I gave mum her Mother's Day gift. She liked it a lot.
And she gave me some gifts as well - cuffs, shirts, a vest, and a pair of gloves. So lovely :,) Now I'm really ready to cosplay Salieri.

Spending some more time chatting with mum and J.

Finally, playing The Witcher for some time.
Oh my god, I finally met Leshy! I only attempted to fight him once (cause it was already 3am) and I got him pretty low, in spite of him being level 34 and me being level 17 xD
But his style... the ravens and the wolves... So pretty<3

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