Friday, the 19th of April

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Morning. I got woken up by my phone. I didn't know the number, so I didn't take the call. It called again so I took it, but the other side was silent. It called again, but this time I ignored it. Later I learnt from mum that some parcel for me was in the garden, so I assume that was a courrier.

Mainly just chilling in the morning. Some short rp with W. (F. and M., nothing very specific). Then I got up, cause W. waited at the train station and asked me to talk. First I managed to vacuum the flat. (As I didn't feel like writing my thesis today, at least I wanted to be a bit productive, so I decided to tidy the flat). Then I talked to W. for like an hour or so. My throat didn't die, fortunately. After we finished, I washed the floor, did the dishes, and tidied the bathroom a bit. I was proud of myself because of that.

Some more chilling and then finally dinner. Spaghetti<3

Oh yeah, Z. and I agreed that we could meet on 4th May. I think it's gonna happen.

W. is in Warsaw now. She is meeting the other and and they go to the concert together. You can probably tell that I'm really happy because of that.

Speedway time.
Toruń vs. Leszno
I decided to use this one to catch up with writing.
I've just finished that^ and now I'm going to do my Duolingo lessons and then go through the vids from yesterday to send some of them to Z.
Pity, I crossed fingers for Leszno.
Aww Lambert said "Goodnight" in Polish<3

Lublin vs. Gorzów
Again, I hate both teams, so... No fingers crossed.
Heat 13: B. Z. was fucking last for the main part of this heat<3 And he finished only third<3 Lovely<3

I replied to the vampire plot cause Z. stared it yesterday.

Time to watch a movie as it's already 11:12pm.
Elvira Madigan (1967):
This is one of those "Mozart" movies. Tho, once again, I'm afraid this one is going to only have his music as a soundtrack. Oh well. Let's give it a try.
Oh this is in German, I think. Or maybe even Swedish.
Nahh, I watched a few minutes and gave up.
I think I am not going to watch those movies if they're not about Mozart.

Give me some rng chosen movie.
I was going to watch Hamlet with Andrew Scott, but I changed my mind the last second.
The Awakening (2011):
Let's see these ghosts. Hopefully not too scary.
A seance? Are you crazy?
Ew, the maggots.
Florence Cathcart seems badass.
(Break to reply to the plot with Z. Also rping with W., some short BC vibes.)
She acts like a female Sherlock Holmes. I like her a lot. And the man that came to see her is like Lestrade. Mr Mallory. Noted.
The last photo was creepy.
Omg Umbridge is here. And I could also sewer that I know this one actor that plays the teacher. Omg no way. I remembered him all the way from Misfits!
Is the child, Tom, also from GoT? Yeah, I was right :D
I love Mr Mallory<3 He's perfect.
Maud is perfect as well. Like Mrs Hudson. The trio had such nice energy<3
She looks so pretty in this hairstyle.
I knew the teacher was kinda sus. I also don't know if we were supposed to see everything that was shown.
"It's the living you wanna watch out for. Not the dead."
That hand actually jumpscared me. I wonder why she didn't just grab the cigarette box first. I would do so. Fuck the cigarettes.
Tom is actually kinda cute.
This movie is creepy after all. Damn. Not a dollhouse. But it was used in a clever way. I liked it a lot.
Where is the rest of the boys btw? Is this like a summer break or sth?
Poor Tom :((
(I would finish this movie much more quickly, but I'm constantly getting engaged with the vampire plot.)
So... That was the ghost?
Damn, the child scared me again.
What? Tom is not there? That's hella interesting. But what about all those scenes where he interacted with other characters? That doesn't really make sense.
Yeah, I already assumed she had a child before. Or was that her brother? I am confused.
Oh okay. That's why she saw him.
What the hell? She poisoned her? That's crazy.
Okay, I think he saved her after all? Or maybe not... Okay, he did. I think.
I'm glad that they are together.

Okay it's 10 past 3am already. Time to go to sleep.

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