Tuesday, the 21st of May

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I was going to simply chill today (read sth, rp, watch sth), but that wasn't my destiny for this day, I guess.

Morning. Chilling, watching S&C.

Then I washed my hair.

the plan for today was only to do the historical grammar homework (which btw turned out to be more challenging than I expected it to be), but then I saw that K. S.-P. uploaded the new presentation which we had to catch up with before tomorrow's lecture (she also was supposed to upload a full lecture, but it's nowhere to be seen). So yeah... I got busy with making the notes from the presentation. It did not take me that long, but when I finished it, it was past 5pm already.

Okay, it's probably time to eat some dinner. I might watch the last ep of The Crow while doing that.

What the hell? Who is that?
Leave the poor bird alone :((
I just realised that I actually like the episodes at the beginning of the season. The first one was really nice and Eric was in his Crow version more often.
Why was he in the grave again?
Is the Crow fully separate now or what?
Damn, this behaviour...
Did he kill him?
Did he paint the crow on the wall?
I have so many questions...
YES! I was right about the crow.
Aww he cares about the crow so much 🥺
Damn, the reflex. I am in awe.
Meanwhile Eric is just having fun with his gf xD
I still have no idea how she came back.
Is that him tho? Yep. I thought so. That's why they didn't show his face right away.
I have no idea what just happened.
How is this the end of the entire series? Like... this is an open ending.

Just more chilling after dinner. Then I finally replied to the fashion rp. Yeah... It took me a few months. But, I am actually glad I'm managing to write rp for two days now :D
That's actually really cool.

Movie time! (It's 9:42pm already). Before I start, I want to reply to the vampire plot, tho.

Also, back to rping H. and H. with W.

All right, it's 10:19pm now...
After.Life (2009):
I think I know what the plot twist is going to be, if it's going to be obvious. But let's give it a try.
Oh shit. That was supposed to be engagement date...
I don't think she's dead. I think she was kidnapped.
I knew the boy's story was going to be a tragic one :((
"Not our jurisdiction." Is that a "not our division" reference? :D
Damn, the house is so beautiful tho...
That position was not suspicious at all xD
Okay, I know what he does, I just don't know why.
And how is the boy's plot going to be connected? I guess it's going to be about the "dead" chicken, but what's the point other than a parallel?
Aww he brought her a white rose. That's so cute. I love Jack already.
Come on! Answer his question!
How did she even got the key?
Come on... she's so noisy...
Why would she accept that just like that?
Omg Jack saw her! Let's go!
Let's go Jack! Hero! Paul, come on! WHAT THE HELL?!
Okay the cop actually knows what he's doing. I'm glad.
Jack, don't agree...
Paul. Fucking finally.
Anna is so dumb, oh my god.
Really? No conclusions from that one cop? That's so... ugh. Annoying.
Eww the maggots...
Breathe on the mirror, let's go!
You can see her eyes moving, come on!
Omg so many photos. He's a serial killer.
Did they really bury her?
Why would he reveal the truth tho? What's the point?
Jack no... :(( Don't be like him...
Don't tell me he's dead as well...
Jack no... :((
Okay, he's not. Don't tell me it's too late now.
Okay, he was not too late.
Well. Nevermind. He "died". Just as I thought.
Poor Jack </3

It's only 1:25am and I still wanted to watch something. So... Conversations with a Killer: The Jeffrey Dahmer Tapes (2022). I'm really curious about this one.
I don't think I will be commenting on this one a lot.
Okay this is crazy that that was her first case.
I am glad I can go over the entire story before watching the series with Z. This one is very informative.

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