Thursday, the 14th of March

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Oh yeah, one thing I forgot to mention yesterday: Buckshot Roulette was supposed to be released tomorrow, but it was postponed. Now it's the 4th of April, I believe. I have no idea why. Maybe they're adding multiplayer? Please, please, please... I've been waiting for this game... And please let it still be so cheap.

Morning. Just chilling. I continued watching the animation that Z. G. recommend. Also rping with W. for a while (we started some plot with the captain and the general waking up in the morning, but it ended sooner than it started) and thinking about some plots between S. D. and C. the G.

Also, surprise surprise, Z. P. messaged me saying that she (and possibly her friends as well) would be willing to play DBD with me. That's great. There's actually some hope that I will have enough people :,)

Catching up with some historical grammar notes from the last week lecture.

Dad visited. Mum and us talked for some 2h. It was really nice :D
I am really glad I could see him.

Then I continued with the notes (and finished them) and ate some dinner.

Visiting grandparents! My visit was a real surprise to them. I am so glad :D (Writing this while still being at their house.)

Back at home. Did my Duo French lessons.

Watched The Devil Wears Prada (2006) with mum. It was a really nice movie. Cruella vibes. (That's what we're going to watch tomorrow.)

Because of the movies mentioned ^, I decided to look for some people to rp with. I doubt that I will find someone, but... We'll see, I guess.

Just chilling for the rest of the evening. Texting Z. G. and plotting with W. (if J. killed B. instead of L. and had to face his punishment).
I took a bath (just like yesterday, but I forgot to mention that) .
And then, right before 3am I managed to reply to the Mozalieri rp after all. I genuinely didn't think that I would manage to do that. But here I am! And it turned out to be longer than ever :D

It's 2:45am now. I'm going to chill for a bit and finish watching the Animator vs. Animation series. One ep left. Goodnight!

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