Thursday, the 18th of April

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Interesting. I had the same dream that I had had like 4 times already. And I was aware that I knew what was going to happen in the dream. I won't give any details cause I simply don't remember much, but damn.

Another interesting thing. In their new vid on the alt channel S&C mention the Chernobyl series. And I just watched it, not knowing it is mentioned there... Ah, coincidences...

Writing this only at 6:20pm, the next day.
Eventually, I ended up trying to catch up with the lecture notes. And in the meantime I started sorting out a "movie soundtracks" playlist, cause I figured I needed one. I will still prpbably get rid of some from that playlist, cause they do not sound "cinematic enough",  but that's for some other time. Also, I revised all the BC songs while painting my nails. Eventually I managed to catch up with all the notes (but the prof only uploaded one half of the last presentation, so that's probably why).

Oh yeah, I skipped the seminar, and, of course, a lot happened. They established the date for our exam and the deadline for the thesis. That started stressing me out...

And then I just waited for mum and J. to arrive. They took a while to get here. It was already like... 5pm when they got here, so I started doing my make-up in the meantime, just not to waste the time later. Eventually we managed to leave right on time.

Betard tram :D

W. and Z. complimented my outfit. It was the BC T-shirt, torn black trousers (first time not wearing the usual ones, cause I decided I wanted something black and not dark grey), the gloves J. helped me to make, this one leather bracelet (that I got with dad), the boots with chains that I always take on concerts and speedway matches, wolf socks, and a lether jacket, cause I assumed we would be waiting outside to get into the club. Oh yeah, I used black eye pencil, black and dark red eyeshadows, and black lipstick.

The journey didn't take much. We arrived right on time, but we couldn't find the entrance to the club. It is always like that. They always build them in such old buildings and don't mark the entrance. Eventually we (J. and I) managed to find it, but a heavy rain caught us in the meantime.
Then J. went to get mum and I waited in the queue. (It was the first time that I waited in a queue that was inside, in a tunnel of a kind.) We entered not so much later. And... We managed to stand in like 2/3 row! Yep! And I chose left cause I knew Joonas would be there. (Correctly.)
And then the concerts began.
Rock Band From Hell were really cute. I love how grateful they were towards BC, cause it was their first time outside Finland. They did really well, considering the fact that their band was only one year old! Also, the guitarist... Damn. Hot. And he didn't wear a T-shirt. (Jere Siivikko, I've just checked :) )
And then Ghostkid. This one was more heavy. But also really nice guys. Again, the thankfulness towards BC melted my heart<3 (BC then repaid the favour, cause they appreciated both of the supporting bands) And this time... the drummer. Ah. A lot of hot musicians that night... (I've just checked him as well - Joakim Stephan Moller. Noted.)
The only negative aspect of the concert that I wanted to mention before I go on with my apprecitation - some people. One woman from Finland constantly tried to pushed me to the back, which sucked heavily. But later another red-haired bitch arrived. And that one was a Polish one. She was so fucking annoying, especially at the beginning of the BC concert. She tried to push me both to the right and to the back, for some fucking unexplainable reason, but I didn't let her. She made one mistake - she also tried to push the Finnish woman. And the woman pushed her back so strong that she nearly fell on her back. That was so hilarious. Adn so, she eventually fucked off :)
The BC concert was just perfect. I knew all the songs from the new album, Dark Side, Bad Idea, and Balboa. But they also sang some songs that were off that list (so I didn't know them perfectly): We Are No Saints, Over My Dead Body, Died Enough For You, and Niko rapped the fast Deja Fu** part, and Joel sang some song that I believe wasn't theirs (I think there was one more, but I can't recall it now). In general? The concert was fucking perfect. I stood right in front of Joonas, so I caught him numerous times on camera. Joel, Niko, and Ollie spend a lot of time there as well. Some of my vids are genuinely epic. I've never stood so close at any of their concerts. That was basically surreal. I scream with them all the songs that I knew and so my throat started dying. But I sang anyway! I just can't express how good it felt<3 And the guys in general are just so nice, like... damn. I love how they not only performed, but also talked to us a few times. That was hella cure.
Aftermath: I am (my arm, cause it's covered in black, and so recognisable) in one of their vids that they uploaded after the concert. I have a lot of very cool memories and vids for Z., mum and J. had a lot of fun as well, and J. took some pictures with the other bands' members. And I couldn't hear or talk for a while, but that's just a proof that I had a great time. In general - that was an epic evening/night :D

Then we came back to my flat and still spent some time there. I messaged W. and Z., but the former wasn't really talkative.
Z. got really excited. I am going to call her on Saturday and tell everything.
Mum prepared this delicious pizza.
I also got some Danish perfume from J. That was really cute. And they were actually really nice<3
And then they left. It was quite late and I was pretty tired (my legs and back ached), but I still waited for them to get home. They did so, about 2am, I think. I still wanted to chill for a while, but I'm sure I fell asleep in the meantime and woke up about 3am just to go to sleep.

Hopefully I didn't forget to mention anything.

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