Friday, the 26th of January

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It's not really a Friday for me as we're having Wednesday's classes... Yeah. That's like one of the worst possible changes...

Wearing the XPLR merch tiday as well! I really needed it to help me boost my confidence.

Betard tram :D

First, philosophy.
We had the presentations. The order was changed btw. We were supposed to present second, but we were last...
Also, each presentation was supposed to take not more than 15min. And the first presentation lasted like half an hour. It was about ST, but somehow they managed to make it sound all boring. It was too professional for my liking.
The second one was about "Ojciec Mateusz". It was fantastic :D They got an applause for that. Well deserved.
The next two presentations were pretty normal. One was about The Platform and the second one about Slaughterhouse Five.
And then finally there was ours about The Sims. We had so much fun while presenting it and the audience visibly had as well :D There was a lot of laughs and in the end we got an applause as well<33
From the more formal side, we got fives. Like everyone. That was kind of taken for granted. Also, it's so funny to me that the first group did it all professionally and all and out presentation was basically a meme and we were graded the same, or maybe even hugher (in terms of the public's reaction) :D
But yeah, like I said, we had to give our presentation during the break and of course M. T. entered at some point while we were presenting it.

Break. A bit longer one, cause we didn't have the contrastive grammar class.
I did my Duolingo lesson. Then I nearly fell asleep while watching yt.

Back to the institute for lit. th. presentations.
M. D. and I talked a bit about our philosophy presentations and we complimented each other.
Then the presentations started. Mine was 4th out of six.
M. D. again complimented my presentation. It was a New Historicist reading for Pride and Prejudice. I think I did good, but I still have to wait for the feedback.

Finally, the end of the classes for this semester (technically I still have classes on Monday, but I'm not going to attend them). I quickly went shopping and bought some children bubbles for S. :D

Betard tram :D

Back at home. Mum and J. arrived exactly as I arrived at my block of flats.
We entered together, ate dinner, and then focused on packing my stuff and cleaning the flat a bit.

After that we left for home. I tried to sleep, but wasn't really able to do so. I had a really bad backache after all this sitting at my desk and studying. BUT! It was raining all the time, most of the time really heavily<3 It was lovely.

After we arrived, we spent some time simply sitting there and talking. I also unpacked all the accumulated parcels which arrived for me. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that the last one arrived today - the Mozart letters!
Most of them (parcels) were gifts for W. for when she arrives, but there were also books for mum and two for my (the letters I mentioned and FB screenplay :D). Also, I went through the letters and omg Salieri is mentioned in them! Very scarcely, but he is there!<33

Rping with W. for a while - the plot with S. and C. (and the necklace and A. sleeping).

And then talking to W.
It was really nice<33
I also got my first bday wishes from her at midnight<33
We rped about M. and S. (cause it's also M.'s bday). In general it was really cute.

Right before we went to sleep, we rped a bit (the general and the captain; only a few replies with S. dominating over C.).

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