Friday, the 9th of February

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I forgot to mention it but it waz snowing yesterday (in the evening) and now everything is white (writing this at 3:42am). The world is so pretty with this white blanket :D

In the morning the snow was no longer so pretty cause it melted a lot.

BUT! Mum asked me a lot of questions about HP and FB, mainly about Voldemort and Grindelwald, which was really cute. AND she said that after the speech we watched yesterday, she would follow GG, which is so cool. AND she proposed to watch the last part today before we do anything else. So we did it. And she really liked it and cried at the end. Ngl, I had tears in my eyes at the end as well. Mum is also a Grindeldore shipper now, which is kinda epic.

After the movie - finishing cleaning the house.

I look like an emo Jane Austen today. Or like a female GG if he was a girl and was in Slytherin xD Or a female AS, that's an option as well.

Painted my nails. It's time to do some Duo because I'm afraid I would forget to do it later in the evening when W. is here.

Also, I really should do the proofreading before we leave to get her from the train station. I might try and do that after the Duolingo lessons.
Omg one of the songs is Adagio (S.'s snake's name in our rp<3).

I managed to do the proofreading. I also added some part at the end.

Makeup time!

And time to leave to get W. :D
Ah yes, before I left I also helped mum with English. I'm trying to redeem myself.

Also, because W. is going to stay with me till the next Saturday, I believe, the chapters will be shorter and there will be no new His Daughter chapter. See ya in a week.

We got W. (Fortunately, the train was on time.) and came back home. We ate a supper with mum and J. and then we chilled in my room for quite a time. And we exchanged the gifts! I got a Scream T-shirt, which is kinda sick!<3 I genuinely love it :D
Then we watched Amadeus (1984), so I can cross it out from my list. It was really good. And omg the length of that movie. Tomorrow we will watch the musical. Basically the same story, but told in a different way, which is still really cool. Also, for such an old movie (in comparison to what I usually watch) it didn't look like being that old. So yeah, a really got movie. It has 8.4 on IMdb, so I gave it a 9. We finished about 3am and about 4am we went to sleep.

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