Wednesday, the 6th of March

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Today I'm going as Joonas. Kind of. The whole set is kind of inspired by him. (W. really complimented it :D) It was basically my jacket with the sew-on badges, the net, torn trousers, and all of my chains<33

Wednesday mornings are just cursed. Yet again I was welcomed by French at my institute. This time because I let one woman pass when I was entering the building. And she said "Merci". What the hell is going on in this institute.

Historical grammar, the lecture.
It was nice as we talked about the Germanic tribes, and I love those topics. Also, there were some French references. And of course, the prof was too quick with her presentation, so my notes are just full of blank spaces.
Today I talked a lot to K. S. I really feel like we are both shy, but somehow we find a common language to just converse freely. Really nice :D
Historical grammar, the class.
Today we translated some Old English manuscripts. It was a lot of fun. I worked with K. S. again and a bit with E. F.

Back at home. Dinner and chilling. I was really tired and I started falling asleep a lot.
Also, rping with W. some plot with S. initiating some cuddling with M., which was then interrupted by C. and a little drama.

I still had to do some reading for my thesis and I really doubted that I will manage to do that, but I did in the end :D
I didn't do much, but I did something, so that counts, right?

It's 9:32pm right now. I don't really feel like reading more for the thesis. I just want to do some Duo classes now and then proceed with some other stuff. I definitely want to go through the BC songs again. Also, I decided that, starting next week, I am going to try and wear some clothes stylised to each of the songs. I think this might be a cool idea. And it's going to take me full 4 weeks to do each song. At first I was planning to do some make-up, but I don't really have time for that. I might do that in the future tho. I also need to read the reply to the Grindeldore rp from that one man, cause he had just replied, and then I want to try and reply to the Mozalieri rp. We'll see how it goes, I guess.

Joshua Fit the Battle of Jericho (Unit 30) on Duo is a really nice song, again. I can't find this exact version on yt, tho. Pity. Did it first try.
Omg and Tarantella (Unit 30) was crazy. But really fun. And that was this well known Italian song.

Sean Staxx finally reacted to Phobia! Let's go! I commented on the video and shared some really positive remarks :D

Replied to the Mozalieri rp :D I am really proud of that reply. It is long and it is, at least in my opinion, interesting.

I was going to watch a movie tonight, but it's already 1:16am and I don't think I want to finish it so late. I might pass on this one.

You have no idea how One Last Time... Again was fitting to the Arcane Grindeldore edit. Like... Damn!

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