Wednesday, the 27th of March

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Morning. Just chilling for 45min cause I woke up before the last alarm.

Today's outfit - Mozart x Salieri: elegant rebel. I loved this outfit.

The weather was lovely btw. Warm but windy. Too warm for a coat!

Throughout the day rping with W. - continuing the plot with S. trying to apologise to M.

The lecture was rushed as always.
During the break I left with K. S. for a short walk because he wanted to get something to eat for his journey home.
The next class was fun. We did some translations. And we also finished 15 min earlier, which was great, cause I had to catch the train.

Betard tram!

Turned out I really had a lot of time before I had to leave for the train.

Success. It wasn't late.
I said good afternoon to this older lady who sat opposite to me. She smiled.
There was also this one guy who was reading the Witcher during the journey. I read mine as well. Apart from that - listening to music and rping with Z. G.
Ostów Wielkopolski station's view will always hurt, I think.
I was going to say goodbye to the nice lady, but it turned out that she was getting off at the same station as me. As we waited for the train to stop (and on the platform) we had a nice little conversation! We had a lot in common about our situations :D

My grandparents got me from the train station. I also met aunt M. at their place from where mum took me eventually.

Just chatting with mum. I gave her the gift for S. and for her (the notebook and the rings). She was really happy about it!<3

Oh yeah, turned out that D. K. actually managed to go through my chapter and check it... There were much more comments this time (I didn't check them in detail yet, tho. I know that there is a lot about shortening the chapter... ugh... I have no idea how to do that...). That kind of ruined my evening a bit.

And then we watched Tangled and this one 6 min short. Progress.

Rping with W. again. We started this darker plot with S. trying to save M. from a public house. Yeah...

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