Tuesday, the 13th of February

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Honestly, a lot is happening these days and I no longer know what happened when.

We stayed at home cause I had the signing up for my university classes.

It was really nice to just chill, tho. Mainly chilling on yt. We also watched GoT (one episode) (RIP Jory) and then ordered some food from McDonald's.

Then we finished reading that one trashy fanfic and played some Sims - we created S. and M. and started building their house but never finished.
Oh yeah, in the meantime we also watched the first half of the second Narnia movie. Ngl, Prince Caspian kinda hot.

And finally we watched Unfriended: Dark Web. Yep, I knew this movie already, but W. wanted to see it cause she only knew the first part.

We had a lot of fun in general. And also, our rps got really theatrical and I'm proud of it, especially the S. and C. and "S." one. I really like doing it with W. and I know I'm gonna miss it a lot.

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