Thursday, the 1st of February

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Yesterday I was woken up by a nightmare. Today I got woken up by Ł.'s message with some more apprenticeship work. It was short (35min more or less), but still... I really though there would be no more work for me as I already handed in the documents... Not I simply got another reason to stress rn...

I was gonna say that at least I woke up early and was productive, but then I checked the clock and it's already 11am and I'm still in my jammies... Oh well, at least I worked on my first chapter (of the thesis) a bit. I didn't start writing yet, bur I made a more specific plan and chronology and now I know what critical sources I still need to find. Small steps, I guess. Honestly? For now I started worrying more about the apprenticeship again, which is not good...
Also, I should probably inform Ł. that I won't be available during those next two weeks when W. visits... But I might message him only the next week. Whatever. Now it's time for me to prepare a tea and chill a bit, cause I was deprived of that 1.5h ago.

The horrible morning actually made me waste my whole day, for real. I did literally nothing. I just wasted time watching Sap's vod from the Hunt and Run tournament. And I finished it. Damn, their team was epic. And his death with Shadoune was like a fanfiction. Really cool.

In the meantime - rping with W. (the captain and the general travelling together to some other island, and some short plot between S. and M.).

Spent some time with mum, cause she had a slight crisis. It was a really nice evening tho.

Time to watch a movie. I chose Coraline (2009), but I'm not sure if I will proceed with cause it stops every 5 seconds...
Funny thing tho... I accidentally tried to watch this movie when I was a child cause I thought it was just a funny cartoon. Yeah... I never finished it.
Fuck me tho... I probably won't be able to watch it...
One more try.
I really like the aesthetic of the needly hands. Even tho the whole intro is kinda macabre, it is also pretty<3
Wait so was Coraline originally a doll?
Okay, the subtitles are in German, but I will manage if it just doesn't lag anymore. I might change the subtitles to French as well and maybe learn something. Oh well xD French is German as well wtf xD
I love Coraline's little temper. She's so cute.
Wyborne? That's so sad tho...
Waterwitch? That's basically me being an Aquarius.
Wybie, awww that sounds so cute<3
Ah yes, a doll that looks exactly like you. Perfectly normal...
Omg the father from the meme xD
Did he just call the mother a boss? XD pls
Yes, explore! XPLR!
List everything that's blue. That's actually a really nice idea.
(It worked so perfectly... and then it stopped at 13min timestamp...)
(I changed the video quality. If it doesn't work now, then I don't know.)
Omg some squeaky little rodent. What a cutie.
I also really like how Coraline likes rain.
This world sure is tempting.
(And it stopped again... In spite of the lowest quality...)
For a sec I thought it was Polish, but now I think it's Russian actually.
Jumping mice<3
The dogs xD
Omg I love how the tea leaves are just a matter of interpretation xD
I love Wybie's gloves. And the fact that he has a black cat >>
So the passage only opens at night?
Omg the garden is gorgeous.
Also, I would love to see this movie explained in psychological terms.
Wait. What do you mean you "fixed" him? Did she cut his tongue?
No... Come on. Talking Wybie is so much better...
Omg the cat talks. I love it. I think he's gonna be her protector there.
Ah yes the Other Mother hates cats. Probably because of what I've just deduced above.
Is this the buttons time? Yep.
(Omg is it so windy outside? That's lovely.)
Oh no. She's not back. Not good.
Oh so the mother is like the boss of the whole realm. Interesting.
Oh. Everything is fake in this realm.
Omg the tall monster prophecy was actually true. Yeah I was wondering about that before and kind of assumed both of the prophecies would be in a way relevant.
This is the part of the movie I don't know.
Why is no one there?
(Come on... don't lag now... it's just half an hour more...)
Okay so the father was good, I assume.
That scared me xD (the hands)
(Come on... it genuinely stopped after next 10min)
Omg it was the mother's needly eye. Of course it was!
(Just let me finish the movie...)
A spider? Yeah, I felt like there would be one in this movie.
Are the parents nice now?
Awh she got the gloves she wanted<3
Van Gogh all of a sudden?
Oh no... she's gonna know...
Wybie! I knew it :D
The tulips are so pretty >>
Kitty ending! What a nice choice. And the L in Coraline was a kitty now :D

I'm gonna give another movie a try.
Locke (2014):
One from Andrew Scott list :D
(Please don't lag. I'd actually love to finish this one quickly.)
I love the British accent<3
Eddie is the Spiderman :D
Is the whole movie going to happen during the car ride? That would be an interesting concept. But I wanted to see Andrew...
I skipped back to listen to his voice again cause back then I didn't realise that was his voice xD
Omg and he's back now :D
Poles? Nice xD
I have no idea what's going on.
Katrina. Interesting choice of name.
(I think I mentioned already that my Chupacabra in Hogwarts Mystery's name is Adagio while the one from the FB movie is Antonio. And the special adventure is connected to music :D)
Oh he's going to have a car accident...
His voice is so calm that it annoys me.
Polish man mentioned again. Funny.
Eddie telling him about the goal :(( </3 The whole plan is so sweet. Pity it can't really happen. They can't pretend they don't know the "final score".
Oh he so won't come.

Okay, I'm done with the movies for tonight.
It's currently 2:11am. Not that late yet, so I'm probably still gonna chill on yt or sth.

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