Saturday, the 9th of March

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Just chilling in the morning. After I finally got up, I managed to write the first subchapter of the second chapter. But honestly? I am not really proud of it. It took like 3 pages, but I don't know. I'm not sure if it really makes sense. But maybe I'm just wrong.
I should continue writing tomorrow, but damn, this second subchapter is going to be longer and I was already so tired after I finished the first one... I don't know. Maybe I will divide it somehow. I also need to wait for this one book so...

Also, I messaged D. to remind her about the book again and she didn't reply... I'm a little bit worried.

Called mum for a while. Chilling for the rest of the afternoon/evening.

After I finally got up again, I wrote this chpater (as you can see barely anything is happening today). It's 8:16pm now. At 11pm I'm talking to W. I want to do some Duolingo in the meantime, maybe go through the BC songs, reply to the Mozalieri rp and maybe watch something. I doubt that I will manage to do everything that I just enumerated, but we will see, I guess.

Managed to reply to the Mozalieri rp. I'm kinda proud of myself as it turned out to be longer than expected :D

Unfortunately D. still didn't reply my message. I'm not sure if I should remind her about the book tomorrow as well, or what...

Movie time (tho I probably won't finish it before talking to W.; that's why I chose something short).
Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives (1986):
And to think this is still 10 years older than the first Scream movie...
Ew. The corpse. Tho, the resolution is so low...
(Okay, I've found it in better quality, but it will probably lag now...)
I needed to check the name of the main guy, cause I totally forgot. Tommy Jarvis.
(I just wasted so much time switching the versions. It still lags... It's actually unbearable. And there's no way I'm gonna finish it on time. Oh well.)
Ew, all the maggots...
The lightning scene xDD
Congratulations tho. That was a perfect idea.
And the matches xD
Oh. A heart. Interesting that he didn't attack Tommy tho.
Scare him xD Good luck.
Come on, is this a horror movie or a comedy? Cause so far I had so many laughs that I can't count them anymore.
This is so relatable. Preferring to deal with a serial killer than a group of children.
Who the fuck is this now xD
Please. This really is a comedy xD
My question is: how did he catch up already? Like... he walked while he ran. That's some bullshit right there.
Not the hampters!
"It was real, just like on TV!" XD
Ah yes. A typical unnecessary sex scene. They are going to die.
Yeah, that really sounds great xD Lesson for today: don't listen to heavy music, kids xD Well, I'm gonna do that anyway.
I love this blond bitch xD "Tommy Jarvis is a very sick boy." "Oh, how do you know, dad? What'd you do, take his temperature?" XD lovely, just lovely.
I can't xD This movie is so goofy xD
Why blame Tommy tho? XD
The dialogues xD "If that kid is with her, there's every good chance he'll do something crazy." "Please, don't do anything crazy." XD How am I supposed to watch this seriously?
Wtf? But she just provided an alibi for him? XD
Ah yes! A romance!
What is going on xD Partners in crime all of a sudden.
(Back to watching. Yes, this is after the break for talking to W.)
The scene where he shoots Jason and he gets up three times in a row was so funny xD
Not the dad :( Is he dead?
The boat scene from a distance looked hilariously xD
Yep. I figured they would die together in that lake. Unless he's not dead. Either way, both endings are kinda predictable.
Oh that's awesome xD Now she might die as well xD
The children's noises xD Yaaaaay! ^^ Is this fucking FNAF? XD
Well of course Jason is still alive. Isn't that obvious?
But what about the dad? :(

Okay, time to take a break and talk to W.
I still have half an hour of the movie to watch after the call.
We had a lot of fun. Created our flower pics, did some quizzes, rped, and just chilled in general. Really sweet.

In the meantime. Rping with W., continuing the plot with S. and C. and S., C. revealing the truth to S.

It's just a normal diary (pt.4)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt