Sunday, the 17th of March

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Morning. Just chilling. Nothing much going on. I continued watching the AVM series. I REALLY enjoy it so far and I'm glad Z. G. recommended it to me.

I finally went back to writing my thesis. I only wrote a bit more than one page today, but that's something, right? I've dealt with the part about the discrimination in the healthcare system. Workplace and police left - two most ambitions parts, tho, I think.

Still rping with W. in the meantime. Although, only the L. and J. plot. Oh well... J. is going to be punished...
In the meantime also thinking about some other rp - mainly the fashion one, and also the Scream one (I doubt that Z. P. and I work something out, but sure, we can try).

While I was writing my thesis, I took a break to go to church with mum and J. After we came back, I finished writing. It's 5:43pm now and I basically finished like 10min ago. I think I will finish writing the second chapter next weekend. That would be quite reasonable pace, I think.

The rest of the day was both really cool and horrible.
Horrible cause I got sick (for no specific reason) and even threw up twice...
Really cool cause I rewatched Mozart l'Opera Rock with mum and even J. joined us at some point :D
Vive Figaro is a really cool song, and definitely unappreciated.
After that - rping with W. (some plot with M. and S. bickering while lying in bed and also S. and C. with C. preparing drinks and then talking about S. D.) and texting Z. G. (discussing AVM).
Oh yeah. W. replied to the Mozalieri rp, so I will have to reply tomorrow or sth.

Playing some Witcher.
Damn, I love it when Geralt is just purely sarcastic<3

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