Thursday, the 28th of March

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Morning. Just chilling.

Turned out that D. K. made today's class non-compulsory. That's a win for me cause I don't have to waste any of my absences for that. But she announced it one hour before the class was going to happen and some people were already there (and they didn't leave yesterday for the spring break). Poor them.

I started to correct my thesis. This is ridiculous. Like... she wants me to shorten it, but at the same time says what I could add... Like... Make a decision, please? I only corrected some parts, because I didn't want to read the whole again. Apart from that I caught up with one of the lectures's notes. That took me SO LONG...

Evening. Watched Before Ever After with mum. In English, cause there was no Polish version. I translated it a bit for mum. And then we also watched the first episode of the series. Mum liked Varian! That's a win for me :D

In the meantime, rping with W. - many different plots: M. and S. (the public house plot and also the killing of the young musicians plot) and then also S. and C. (the captain begging the general not to leave and the British attack).

It's 8:20pm now. At 11pm I'm talking to W. Now I woder if I should just chill or maybe catch up with some more notes. My had is a bit less paralysed now...

I managed to finish one more presentation. I am left with the written file for tomorrow.

Then I watched the second episode of the Tangled series with mum. And... Turned out there is no more in Polish. Just the 5th one. Why. Why is it always with things that we want to watch?

Anyway. Some time past 11pm I talked to W. We were going to play MC, but her father borrowed her computer mouse and she wasn't able. Technically we are going to play MC tomorrow, instead. We talked for 4.5h. That was our longest conversation in quite a while. Also, after the call W. said that she really enjoyed it and that it's amazing how the time flies when we call. That was an utterly heartwarming comment<3

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