Monday, the 26th of February

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Mondays are the days I have to wake up the earliest, but I'm glad it's still not that early - 8:45.

I had two really cool dreams! They were so cool that I noted them down in my private messages right after I woke up (twice), because I couldn't risk losing them. I won't tell them in details, but let me just share with you that one of them involved Emhyr from The Witcher and the second one involved Coriolanus Snow. Yes. They were REALLY cool.

I can't believe is't actually still February as the weather today was so warm. I left only in one of my jeans jackets. I also had the T-shirt I got from W. for my bday :D

The first class - the literary translation - was a bit weir. I mean, we already knew that P. C. himself is weird so it kind of came as no surprise. I don't think there will be any troubles for me to pass this course, even with a good grade; I'm just really unhappy about the choice of the texts we are going to translate as both of them seem rather boring. Oh well. Don't judge a book by its cover.

The second class - speaking - was much nicer. We chose the topics for our presentations in the random order, but I still managed to get the exact topic I wanted - heros and anti-heroes. This is going to be fun. The rest of the class was devoted to the topic of future and technology, which wasn't really interesting to me.

Going back home. I stopped at a bakery and there was a really nice guy. I even intended to wish him a good day, but he did that first :D
Really cute. I need to visit this bakery more often hah
Also, the entire park (the one near my flat) was all covered with saffron (crocuses or whatever). So pretty<33

Eating dinner, then chilling. I started falling asleep. I have no idea why I am so tired recently. Because of all the stress? There wasn't that much of it yet.

I stayed in bed far longer than I should've.

I really didn't want to start checking my thesis, so I did a little research into anti-heroes and... Omg Antonio Salieri was on the list of famous antiheroes. I'm gonna melt! That was so unexpected! :D <33

And then I finally focused on what I had to do. It took me much longer than I thought it would. One lesson for the future - I need to complete the bibliography as I write, cause looking everything up later is just pain in the ass. Oh well. We learn something every day.

I finished about 10pm. Then I caught up with the ending of the previous chapter and started writing this one. Time to finally eat something and do my Duo music lesson. Then I might play The Sims or just watch something straightaway.

Just chilling for some time and then playing Sims till about 12:15am.

Movie time!
Bart Edwards movie. Let's celebrate that Emhyr was in my dream today.
Silent Treatment (2013):
This is a short and an animation. Let's listen to his voice then for about 8min :D
Oh wait, nevermind. Only the thumbnail was a drawing. He IS going to be here<3
I definitely know the actress from somewhere as well btw.
There he is!
I knew he was going to say something like that xD <3
I'd love him to flirt with me like that.
Omg he's so cute for that.
It was really cute in general.

Time for something longer.
It seems that rng really wants me to watch a Bart Edwards movie tonight. Let it be.
He mainly plays in tv series it seems.
Another short. Not available.
Another short. End-O (2019):
Omg Mozart's music at the very beginning<3 Everyone uses this requiem.
Oh yeah. The main actress plays Sylvia in Loki. I knew I knew her from somewhere.
HE SO HOT! Looking like Emhyr again. I love him with his beard.
This one made me rather uncomfortable tho.
Omg did she come back? She did!
The glasses tho! M. T. vibes.

Okay. Now it's time for something longer. He only has 3 movies in his repertoire, but sure.
The Dare (2019):
I think there might be the most scenes with him in this one. Let's give it a try. Damn, what is it with me and trying to watch horrors only because of hot men?
Omg it's him already? Yes!
Damn, it already starts.
Shit. Say something you dumb child!
No... he can't be killed... please.
Well, he's not dead. Worse.
What is going on? And who's this child anyway?
I love Jay's hair. They are just perfect.
Well... he can be Hamlet now.
Oh? He's ill? Seems promising.
Yeah, I started wondering if this is even the same guy. And I don't think it is. Wait... is this the boy but as an adult already?
Ew... What the hell? Was that a slug or a leech? Or whatever else... EW! That was a bug of some kind.
Let's go Jay! I'm so proud of him! He probably won't manage to escape, but whatever... He did more than anyone. Poor boy :((
WHAT THE HELL?! What a coward btw! He could've hit the kidnapper. EW! Even more? :((
What an idiot. I hate him.
Poor guy</3 He's such a nice actor tho...
Rip Paul. I am actually proud of him. He did more than the rest of them collectively (apart from Jay).
Know who? The kidnapper?
Okay, now the title actually makes sense.
And now he wants to get his revenge. But yeah. I was right. I called out him being that boy.
Please not the spiders next... This is going to be horrible...
Omg what a cool transition that was.
Him and spiders gives me Henry Creel vibes.
Henry? What a naming coincidence.
Phew... That was close... Revenge time.
I wonder what that substance actually is.
Don't tell me he made a mask out of his flesh... This is disgusting.
Ew... into the ear?!
Somehow Jay stlll managed to look incredibly hot.
Oh an X? I though he was going to circle it or sth. Oh wait... because it's Paul, not him. My bad.
Smart guy. Let's go!
Ew... Not an eye... EW! And a worm?! This is utterly disgusting.
AN ENTIRE EYE?! I thought he was talking about the worm...
This horror is a bit too much for me. Normally I don't mind brutal scenes, but those were simply disgusting.
Don't give him the knife...
Well... I didn't like Adam anyway.
My god, Kat. Don't be a bitch now.
She could've told someone as well wtf xD Why blame Jay?
Why all the bugs all of a sudden?
Also, please just let Jay leave...
I would close the cell...
Btw, how is he still alive? Fucking terminator. As always.
Oh he's dead... Ugh... Maybe not yet? Maybe he will be saved? Please...
Damn, running with a broken leg.
Don't give me hope that he will be fine... He will still probably die...
But anyway, he is still so pretty... (Yes, that is my ONLY reason for watching the movie.)
He got what he wanted... But poor Jay. He really didn't want to....
I'm surprised that this is a horror movie where someone actually survived...
"I'll live." this is so something C. would say after going through something like that just not to worry S.
Please just make it end on a relatively positive note...
Why would they go there...
I don't like Poppy. Why is Molly the only reasonable one?
Oh well... This is fantastic.

Now I REALLY need to watch something positive before going to sleep.
I quickly started falling asleep. At some point I just woke up about 3:30am and then decided to just go to sleep.

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