Wednesday, the 17th of April

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I managed to wake up (nearly) an hour before I had to. I overslept a bit, but that was only like 10-15 minutes. I ate breakfast while chilling on yt. Rping with W. - some drunk M. and S. composing plot.

The weather was really cool today. Wind, clouds, 6 degrees. (And some rain when I was coming back from the institute.) (Update from 6:02pm - the weather is actually very sunny rn. It looks pretty nice outside.)

The classes. The lecture was so rushed today. Like... Oh my god. I have so many blank spaces in my notes. I should probably fill them tonight just not to heva that much work during the weekend, cause I should probably go back to working on my thesis, but... Oh well. I'm calling Z. at 6:30pm today. And then I might or might not have a call with W. This is not settled yet. So.. Yeah. I might got engaged with those notes later in the evening or during the night. Or tomorrow in the morning as I wait for mum and J. However, I'd rather just fully chill tomorrow and wash my hair in the morning.
And the class was just the assessment of out OE reading. Me and K. S. were at the end of the queue, but we didn't have to wait that long. I read first. And I was really happy with my reading. And so was the prof. She said it was pleasure to listen to us. And gave u 5s. And then I just went home. Hopefully there weren't any classes afterwards.

At home. Dinner and chilling. Plus Duolingo. I started falling asleep a bit, but I decided I didn't want to even try and take a nap.

I finally caught up with my diary, cause I didn't have time for that yesterday. I was basically on call with friends for the entire later afternoon-middle of the night period.

Ah yes, D. K. ocntinues checking my third chaper, and that makes me hella nervous.

It's 10 past 6pm currently. I am going to call Z. in a sec :D

Z. and I talked for a bit more than three hours. The first hour got devoted to watching S&C (the episode with Foolish and Karl, so far the worst one that we watched together). And then we basically just discussed our vampire rp for the rest of the call. Also, Z. declared that she wants to go to the next BC concert with me<3

W. replied to the pirate rp. I would gladly reply as well, but becasue of my thesis I have literally zero energy for that. And I am also not going to catch up with the lecture notes tonight. It's 10:34pm currently. I am just going to start a movie in a sec. And then I also want to reply to the plot I'm having with Z. (cause we're going to move to the vampire plot in a sec).

Chevalier (2022):
Apparently another "Mozart movie", so I might give it a try.
Is this Mozart? (in the opening scene) OH YEAH xD the first thing he says and I'm already sure of that<3
Sorry, but I will love Mozart anyway. I watch all those movies only for him. Even if he's an asshole.
Mozi probably had the best lines in this movie.
Marie Antoinette has a really pretty dress.
I knew that I recognised the actress of Marie Josephine. She played in Scream. For a sec, but she did.
Omg a female writer.
Who is that man? He kinda hot. Philippe d'Orleans? Ooo, that's cool. Yeah. I know it's not this one. But still.
Omg all the flowers on her dress.
The plot got boring so quickly.
Yep. I knew she was going to be pregnant.
Two parts of the soundtrack were actually rather pretty. I need to find them later.

I wanted to watch something short about Mozart next and I ended up watching Baby Einstein: Baby Mozart episode (1998) xD
This is so weird xD I have no idea what's going on. Is this going to be only music and toys? XD
Okay, I gave up after 3 minutes.

The Tale of Tales (1979) seems interesting tho. Might give it a try.
Okay this is very psychotic. I am not sure if I should watch this in the middle of the night xD
No. I give up. It's not about Mozart. They just use his music in these.

I think that's gonna be it. It's 1:53am. I shouldn't start another movie.

I sorted all the Mozart movies a bit. Now I have them saved to check and watch.

It's only 2:42am now, but I think I will go to sleep in a sec. I feel a bit sick. Hopefully it goes away over night.

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