Monday, the 1st of April

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Yesterday, before we went to sleep W. and I started some short plot which evolved today into M. and S. spending their first night together.

Morning. Washing my hair and packing my stuff. I managed to play the Witcher for a short while. The next time I can play it is going to be in a month so...

Going back to Wrocław. I tried to sleep, but it didn't really work. So I just listened to music and rped with W.

Spending some time with mum and J. J. helped me with my gloves for the concert. Mum dyed my hair. And we also listened to some BC songs. Also, I got rid of some of my clothes. I don't wear them anyway.

The weather is so lovely today. It's 21 degrees, cloudy and windy. Perfect weather.

Just chilling and rping with W. after mum and J. left.

Omg it started raining heavily! Lovely :D

Chilling for some more time. Rping with W. (M. and F. being jealous becasue of L.)

I finally replied to the Mozalieri short plot with Z. G.
And then I washed my hair. The dye stayed on my hair, fortunately. Though, there might be a bit more hue on the top of my head.
But whatever.

It's 9:27pm now. Tonight I'm going to watch the second demi-final of the ESC 2023. (And then maybe watch some movie.) But for now I'd really like to reply to some rp, cause I'm falling back so heavily. (And I will have to focus on uni and my thesis even more now.)

Replied to the Grindeldore rp (I don't like that my replies are far more ambitious; I should start caring less, but I simply can't when it comes to writing...)

But yeah, I'm going to review all the songs or at least grade them.
(I am so glad I understand what they say in French, btw<3)
The * before the number are the ones I want to qualify. The + are the ones that did.
1) Denmark: This is a child. That was horrible. Boring. 1/10
+2) Armenia: This one was okay. 5/10
* 3) Romania: Nice suit (postcard). This one is cool. 6/10 (the first one I want to qualify to the finale)
+4) Estonia: Wait. The piano plays itself? This is so fake tho... I don't believe she's playing now. Not bad. 5/10, I guess.
+5) Belgium: Awful beginning. So typical. 1/10
+*6) Cyprus: BRIGHTON BEACH! LET'S GO! (postcard) Okay this one is lovely. 8/10
7) Iceland: This one was okay. 5/10
(Btw, I'm not really watching what's going on on the stage.)
8) Greece: It had an interesting vibe at the beginning, but it took a wrong turn. 4/10
+9) Poland: Oh no. Cambridge! I was there :D Wtf they chose university of Warsaw? XD (postcard) I don't have to listen to this one to know it's 0/10. Or even below 0.
+10) Slovenia: Not bad. 5/10
This is a really weak semifinal.
*11) Georgia: Okay. This one is pretty. And taking into consideration that I only chose two songs so far, this is going to be the third.  It took a wrong turn later on, tho. But whatever. 6/10
12) San Marino: One of them kinda hot (postcard). I don't really like the song tho. 2/10
+* 13) Austria: A song about Edgar Allan Poe? This is awesome. I'm giving it a star for that. It started shitty, but then the singing was quite nice. Omg was Shakespeare mentioned there? Okay, it's not a good song, but it gets 5/10 for the idea.
+14) Albania: Nice scenography. But apart from that, nothing special. 4/10
+*15) Lithuania: Okay this one is pretty. But why did it change the vibe then... 6/10
+*16) Australia: Okay this one got my attention from the very beginning. Nice scenography. Pretty cool one.  Oo a bit heavier turn. 6/10
I have to admit I really like the hosts.
Okay, that's it, the results are noted. Time to rest from ESC a bit. Time for a movie.

The Loved Ones (2009):
I knew that I recognised this man. This is Xavier Samuel<3 He looks so good in long hair.
Pls. You can already tell that Lola is a psycho.
I really like his music taste.
And the music contrast was amazing.
Okay he looks so handsome in a suit.
(Ngl, I started falling asleep a bit.)
I love his disobedience. But I guess he's going to pay.
What have they done to his vocal cords btw?
EW! That must be so painful...
Good, don't give her the satisfaction.
This movie has really weird vibes. I have no idea what's going on.
Ew. I hate drilling the skull.
Shit. I really thought he was going to escape.
Let's go?
This just got weird now.
Oh come on...
I am not going to comment on that. That was a fucking weird movie.

In the meantime rping with Z. G. (short plot) and W. (S. hugging C. for the first time).

Simply going to chill a bit now. It's nearly 3am already, but I don't want to go to sleep already. I don't feel like working on my thesis tomorrow cause I have no idea how to change it...

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