Sunday, the 11th of February

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This is going to be even shorter summary cause I'm writing it on the 13th of Feb. at 3:14am.

This was the day we were going to Wrocław.

W. and I managed to play some Witcher before that tho.

Then I quickly packed my stuff and then we left.

It was rainy and it was so cool<3

After we arrived at my flat, I unpacked my stuff and we ate some dinner mum prepared for us. W. didn't really want it and I think mum was a bit sad about it. Hopefully that was just my hunch about it all and not a real thing.

After mum and J. left, W. and I watched the second part of FB. It was really cool to watch it together and rp as G. and A. at the same time :D

And we had even more rping later on - mainly between S. and C.

We went to sleep rather late.

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