Tuesday, the 27th of February

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I've been 22 for a full month now :D

My parcel (BC merch and their new album) just got sent! Let's go! I can't wait when I finally have it in my hand, cause I remember ordering it in like... Autumn? Late Autumn? I think? I believe it was even before the XPLR mercha and the concert tickets.

Just chilling in the morning. Though, I have osme ambitious plans for today. I want to start working on a sketch of the second chapter of my thesis. I definitely want to go over the poems and arrange them a bit. And maybe also think for a sec what criticism I will need for this chapter (if any). Then I definitely want to read more of that one history book I started two days before, and finally I want to reply to the HG rp as W. replied yesterday and I got a lot of inspiration for my part (but it was a bit too late to reply then and besides I was in the middle of watching that sweet and wholesome movie...).

I managed to create a rather detailed sketch for the second chapter. I could genuinely start writing it this week. (If I really wanted to, I could even finish it.) I still need to look for some sources tho. And I would rather my prof checked the first chapter befor I start the second one, I think. But we will see, who knows.

Replied to the HG rp. I was really proud of that reply, but then again, W. didn't really compliment it. Ugh whatever.

Chilling for a while and playing The Sims till about 10pm.

We don't have the first lecture tomorrow :D
I can stay a bit longer then. It probably wouldn't be needed as I could stay till 4am anyway, but sure.

Time to watch something! I already have two movies ready for tonight :D
Capote (2005):
Pretty visuals, taking into consideration how old this movie actually is. Nearly 20 years old.
We start with a murder. This is always cool.
(I switched to some other platform, cause I could really use some subtitles, but this one is lagging ugh...)
(I switched back. I'm gonna suffer, but I want it to flow without any obstacles.)
The woman really annoys me btw. Not that Capote himself doesn't.
Okay the suspect (?) is kinda hot. (I need the name of the actor.) (Update: Clifton Collins Jr.)
I love movies which involve trials.
Perry is the only person that doesn't annoy me in this movie so far. And he looks hot in a shirt.
Well, I knew the story from our am. lit. lectures, but damn... I hate the fact that he's just going to use Perry. And he seems so caring now... This is so painful.
I'm not going to trust a word this man says.
What a liar.
(And now this one started lagging as well...)
Come on, quit lying to him. He's going to die anyway...
(Honestly? I kinda stopped focusing as I'm texting W.)
Omg he knows now. Kill him as well. Omg and he still believes him... Or maybe not? Please don't be naive. What a manipulator. Stop. Don't tell him :((
In cold blood, hmm? What a lie. I wonder if he will tell the truth in his book at least.
The letter </3 "Your amigo? Perry" That's just heartbreaking.
He didn't even try! This fucker...
Omg Perry is not dead. Wait no... He is going to be dead...
And he won't even visit. Bastard.
And the telegram...
Oh wow. He came. I hate him anyway.
Hanging? Really? They could for sure come up with something less painful.

All Is True (2018):
On a more positive note. Something about Shakespeare!
Noo... What a sad beginning...
I'd love him to be a bit younger here.
Why is his wife so much older than him tho? She could be his mother.
A swan!
"I knew him through his poems."<3
Sir Thomas? Is this Thomas Walsingham? Please. Probably not, but that'd be lovely.
"I've never let the truth get in a way of a good story."<3
I also love how his son's name was Hamnet. And then Hamlet was created.
"Mr. Shakespeare? I don't want to pester you." "Good. Excellent news. Cheerio." xD
"The best way to get started as a writer is to start writing."
(I started falling asleep. Unfortunately.)
"Consider the contents of your own soul, your humanity. And if you're honest with yourself, then whatever you write, all is true."
The man from the tavern is hot - Tom Quiney (Jack Colgrave Hirst). Noted.
Omg Gandalf is here. I knew that I recognised his face.
And it's not Thomas Walsingham. Some Thomas Lucy. Pity.
Marlowe mentioned!!!
Hamlet mentioned as well!!!
I honestly have no idea what the long tak was about. Apart from that it was about life. And Marlowe xD
Judith can you stop being such a bitch all the time?
That was a really nice scene (all of them standing in the garden after telling Will the happy news).
I expected something rather different from this movie. I thought it was going to be about Shakespeare's life but when he was younger. Still. I'm glad I've watched it.
"Marlowe was murdered. No one knows which of his many enemies did it." XD lovely
Awh. He died on his bday :((
That was a sweet ending tho. (Both the gift-giving and the funeral reading.)

That's it for today. I've been also rping with W. in the meantime (some C. and H. plots and as usual some M. and S. plots - the perfume). It's 2:42am now. I will still chill on yt for a while before going to sleep.

As always, I simply started falling asleep.

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