Thursday, the 4th of April

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Morning. Just chilling.

Not having the seminar today; only some online meeting.

I managed to create a more detailed plan for my next chapter and catch up with some notes before the meeting began. I think I was the only person willing to talk to her today. But anyway, she seemed really happy about it, and it also helped me a lot. However, I learnt that she hasn't read the ending part yet; which means that the Dahmer part might still be deleted... Hopefully not. Oh yeah, before the meeting she also messaged me so that I tell the others that she will be a bit late. Not gonna lie, I am really glad that she chose me for that. That means she trusts and relies on me :D Also! We talked for 42 minutes. That was huge!

I am going to finish my notes a bit later, casue atm I am starving.

In the meantime - rping with W. - the Viking plot's continuation.

Also! Buckshot Roulette is about to be released in 3 hours, I think! Please still be cheap and please work on my laptop.

Chilling for the rest of the afternoon and the early evening.

At 7pm Buckshot Roulette got released and it cost only 10zł (and was on sale for 9zł :D). So, I bought it immediately and played one round. It lags a bit because of my laptop, but it was still cool. I lost xD

Then I got engaged with my hist. gram. lecture notes. I finished them while listening to some classical music (I started creating my own playlist with the pieces I like).

Duolingo time! I should probably start my speaking presentation for the next Monday, but I doubt I will do it today. It's 8:40pm now and at 10:30pm I'm talking to W. 
We'll see how it goes.

Playing Buckshot Rpulette with W. At first we didn't really do good, but then we finally won the last round with all charges :D
Then we switched to Mc and visited the Warden once again (completely by accident). And then we also decorated our home area a bit.
After that - just talking. We finished around 3am anyway so that was kinda huge.

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