Thursday, the 18th of January

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Morning. I woke up earlier just to do the business translation test. Yes. I actually did do it in the morning. It was rather easy. All the answers were in my notes, so that's something. It took me less than 45min so I got some more time to chill. I also messaged Ł. and he replied back with a request to rate his services if possible. I might do that, but later.

Then just chilling for the next hour and eating my breakfast/dinner.

Wearing my Slytherin tie again. This time with a black shirt. Also, M. S. (Mo not Ma) noticed that it was a Slytherin tie :D <33

I've finally handed in my apprenticeship documents. It was so nice to make it somebody else's problem.

The seminar was rather chill today. There were more the prof's anecdotes than talking about the poems, but it was rather nice.

And later there was the test with A. P. It was nice. I think I answered all the questions correctly, so that's good.

It's so beautifully snowy again :D
I mean, I was wholly covered with snow when I got home, but the views...<3
Taking to mum for a while while going back home.

And then I got my food delivered so from now on I'm just going to chill and finally rest a bit.

Also, I forgot to mention this in the morning, but one of my orders got cancelled - the bowtruckle keychain. I've found another one, but it probably won't be delivered until March or sth.

Okay, now, before I eat the food, I need to email M. W. and tell him about the documents, cause I will undoubtedly forget about it later.

I also had a short exchange with my dad. It was rally cute tho. It always gets me.

Just spending the afternoon chilling. I think I deserved it.

Also, W. checked my essay. I got 15/15 and a lot of nice comments :D
I'm so happy he liked it.
Also, he announced that you don't have to be active in the discussions to get a good grade for participation. The attendance matters, so that's just perfect! I'm just worried that my grade will go down if I skip the last class, but oh well... Hopefully not.

In order not to be completely unproductive, I've read the excerpt for the next class with W. And omg Harry Potter was mentioned there. What a timing. The piece's title is: Gender Queer. Not really my topic, but it was rather light to read.

Duolingo time and later I'm just going to watch something, probably.

Minority Report (2002):
The websites where I usually watch all the movies and tv series have some serious problems today tho... I'm struggling a lot to get it working.
This is crazy. Like... can they be sure that the crime will happen? Cause like... a lot could change in the meantime.
My god I'm so done with those websites today... I'm changing them for like the millionth time...
This is like some Abstergo shit btw.
Colin Farrell is in this one. Hello.
No I'm so fucking done. I can't watch shit like that. The movie is 2.5h long. There's no way I will be able to go through it while it just bugs all the time.
Yep. Fuck this. I'm not going to watch it like that.

I'm gonna try American Horror Story season 4 - Freak Show, tho. Maybe something shorter won't lag that much. I could go through an episode or two.
Okay, this one seems to actually work for now. Maybe that's a special sign I shouldn't put off watching this series for so long.
Yep, I knew this was going to be her. Glorious lady as usual.
Well... I already saw a trailer so I knew she was going to have two heads so there's no surprise there.
Time to watch the intro credits. Let's go, Evan was second. I really like the aesthetic of this season. The credits are not so disgusting and scary as usual. Unless you have coulrophobia.
Just run, you idiot!
Okay, I'm not scared of clowns, but this one is rather creepy...
Bitch this is not a mask...
Of course she tripped...
I knew that woman's giggling must be a sign of his charming presence.
Damn how I love his voice...
Her name here is Elsa. Noted.
Okay, I think there's something with his hands. Because of the gloves.
Why does he always acts in such scenes...
Yep, I knew it was about the hands.
Jimmy. Jimmy Darling. The surname tho...
Omg his mother is the one who played that "past" lady in the previous one.
Oh and she is back again. Myrtle? Was that her name in the previous one?
My god, this guy is so annoying.
There are two of them? How? Were they Siamese twins as well?
"When bad things keep happening to good people, you start to question what is right and what is wrong." - J. D.
I like this attitude. This is going to be pretty entertaining. I'm glad he leads this revolution.
The clown in the background, kinda creepy.
Artificial leg. Interesting. Is my theory going to be true?
Give me the end credits music. Nah... it's nothing special. The Asylum one was perfect and the Coven one was nice.

This one is a bit shorter. It's only 12:40am anyway.
The clown statue scared me xD
Omg the real one is there as well. Creepy...
The posh guy strongly reminds me of Gideon from GF xD
Oh and the voodoo lady is back as well.
I really don't like the guy in the orange T-shirt. What an asshole.
The makeup/characterisation the clown has is really impressive tho.
Oh so that is a mask. And his face is just even more deformed.
I am sure Elsa sees herself in the non-singing twin.
Fuck this man. I hate him. Stupid pile of meat.
Jimmy don't do that...
Rip. But oh well, at least he won't.

Rping with W. - the name's day plot continuation, but this time with the vampire twist.

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