Monday, the 15th of January

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Not much happening in the morning.
Just the speaking class - I was paired with M. P. and E. H.; it was nice to talk to them, but the topic itself was boring - consumerism.
In a week's time we're having our final assignments. I'm paired with M. P. for that. Hopefully it goes well, cause it's supposed to be more professional... That's what worries me a bit.

Break. First some chilling. Then I revised the remaining notes from A.'s subject and I also read the poems D. K. sent us for the next seminar. I think k could use one of them for my thesis, so that's something.

Getting ready to leave for the class with W. now. Later I have to check if the documents finally arrived or not. If not, I think I will have to message L. about them tomorrow. Ugh, I really don't want to do that. And I want to finally stop stressing about them. Please be there today...

Betard tram :D

The class with W. was funny and peaceful as usual. I think we really need those moments of wholesomeness during those hard weeks of constant working and stress.
But, S. was there as well. Ugh... Even if he behaved more this time...

Back at home. I messaged Ł. to ask about my documents. He sent them, so that made me a bit more calm. But still... They are not here yet and that makes me stressed.

I revised lit. th., and that was basically my productivity for that evening. But hey, I did what I really had to do. I left final revisions for the next day.

In the meantime - carrying on the plot with the captain and the general with W. - we basically skipped to the next morning and began some preparations for the governor's visit.

About 11:15pm W. and I called. We talked till about 2:30am, I think. As always, it was a lot of fun :D

I have no idea when, but it started snowing and when I checked before going to sleep, everything was white outside.

I wanted to chill on yt a bit more not to waste my free evening, but I was rather tired and started falling asleep.

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