Thursday, the 22nd of February

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In the morning I had quite a lot of time to chill before the classes. So, I peacefully ate breakfast and chilled on yt.

Magic bus :D

The seminar was rather okay today. (And we had only the first class, cause there was not much to do, honestly.) We finally discussed the defence exam a bit. Turns out we're going to be asked 3 questions, 2 out of 3 being British Literature questions. That scared us gravely, but then we were told that we can choose one period from the ones listed. I was tempted to choose Shakespeare, but it was the Elizabethan theatre in general, and idk. We discussed it with W. and it was so chill, and I don't remember it that much. Romanticism on the other hand... This one was discussed with T. B. and it was traumatic (but really interesting at the same time), and I feel like I have really good notes for this period and that I remember a lot. So that's probably going to be my choice.
Oh yeah, one more thing. Apparently we're supposed to hand in our theses till the beginning of April. Like... What the actual fuck. We only have one month for the whole now? We didn't do anything for the past 6 months or so... This is a joke. But yeah, I will really have to sit down and write at least some of it tomorrow and at the weekend in general.

Talking to mum while going home.

Ate dinner and chilled for the rest of the afternoon/evening. Damn, I really was tired, cause I fell asleep numerous times.

More problems with my potential chemistry studies. Not only they only take 4 students from Poland, you also have to pay about 10tys. for one year... This is fantastic...

It's 9pm already and I haven't done shit today. I might try and reply to the S.xM. rp, but I don't know. I don't feel like I can create anything poetic tonight...

In the meantime, rping with W.
Continuing the S. and C. hot plot and also writing some plot between S. and M. (the poison). We'll see how it goes.

I replied to the S.xM. rp. Yes. I really did. I am proud of myself, truly.
Hopefully I will manage to write another subchapter of my thesis with an equal success tomorrow.

Time to watch something, I think. I harmonised my movie lost for a reason.
Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter (1984):
Let's watch another part of this trash. I doubt it'll be good in any way. But sure.
No subtitles? This sucks.
I didn't ask for a summary, guys. The plot is simple enough anyway. And I don't remember any characters apart from Jason.
This is so funny btw that this is called the final chapter and then there are like 6 movies after this one xD
Omg the intro xD
Sorry, I've been not paying attention at all. All of a sudden we're in a hospital.
Yep, I figured that something would happen with the body. That was sooo obvious.
"If you wanna make a fool of yourself, always do it with someone new." That's an awesome piece of advice.
There's always someone joking that they are dead at the beginning. This is so repetitive.
Why is there always someone alone in the forest? XD First victim or just a cheap scare this time?
Oh that must have been painful.
(W. complimented my reply<33 That is so cute.)
(Not paying attention again, cause we're continuing the S. and M. plot.)
(I am so not involved in what is going on in this one.)
Oh of course she was drying her hair at that exact moment xD
I really thought she was going to become a towel-wearing protagonist like Sam from Until Dawn.
What the hell is that noise? It's awful.
(I nearly fell asleep again. I don't think I lost much tho.)
He took off his mask. Why even? I am so confused. What did the child want to achieve? I have no idea.
Is the child going to become another psycho? I have no idea what that ending meant.

I wasn't going to, but I'm watching the next one as well. Friday the 13th; A New Beginning (1985):
Also, I was mistaken when I said there were still 6 more films. There were actually 8 xD
I really have to try and not fall asleep as it's 10 past 2am already.
(Still rping with W.)
I wonder if this one is going to be at least slightly different than the other ones.
Ah yes, digging up a serial killer's grave is a really reasonable thing to do on a stormy night.
My god, Jason is such a boring villain.
What a funny intro again xD
This might be a little bit more interesting. We will see. Just give me a good male protagonist.
Okay so this is Tommy.
He reminds me of Jeff.
That damn spider scared me more than anything in the entire franchise.
Oh wow. That was kinda unexpected. Finally something different. For once.
25min in already? That surprised me.
Damn, that might have been so painful...
Rip the handsome boys.
Okay this part is definitely more interesting as it deals with trauma.
(Aaand I fell asleep again.)
I actually hate those old horror movies for all the unnecessary sex/nudity scenes.
Who the hell is that homeless guy? Was* xD
Ew, he took her eyes.
Oh damn, and his as well. That must have been so painful.
50min in? I wouldn't think.
Damn, Tommy.
Also, the actor that plays him does his job really well.
I feel like, for some reason, this movie is finally a bit better than the previous ones.
What the hell was that digger scene tho xD
Aww Tommy is a sweetheart here.
Oh he's not going to run. He's gonna kill him again. Or maybe I'm wrong?
No he can't be dead...
That must have been a painful death. Oh he didn't die xD Well now he did xD
Wait so it was the hot guy? Cause I'm a bit lost.
At least Tommy is still alive! I'm really glad.
For a sec I really thought he killed her xD
My god... can he finally die?
Why would he keep it as a souvenir?
I love how exaggerated the rain was outside xD
Why would he want to kill her tho? Will we ever know?

It's just a normal diary (pt.4)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora