Sunday, the 21st of April

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Morning. Just some basic chilling. Rping with W. for a while. We shortly continued the plot between S. and C., and then switched back to J. and N. (the reven plot) and later also S. and M. (the violin plot).

When I finally got up, I managed to go over all the sources I'm going to need for the last chapter of my thesis. I think I've collected everything that I wanted to include, at least more or less. I plan to write only two subchapters, so I can deal with them on Tuesday and Friday or Friday and Saturday, leaving the rest of the weekend for proofreading.

I got stressed about my university/work future agian. I looked for some job offers in the gaming and translation industry, but no real success. Oh well. Maybe next time.

I had some more time to look for the sources and chill after dinner, cause Sparta's match with Częstochowa was cancelled because of the rain.

Speedway time.
Zielona Góra vs. Grudziądz
I don't really like both of the teams, so I have a strong "whatever" about this match. I mainly just used it for a background for catching up with my chapters :D

It's nearly 9pm now. I am going to quickly reply to the short plot with Z. and then at about 10pm I'm talking to W.

I talked to W. from 10:30pm till 1am. First we played MC for like an hour and a half and then we had some fun playing some discord games. That was lovely.

Then I replied one more time to the plot with Z. and then I went to sleep. Ah yes. Sundays.

It's just a normal diary (pt.4)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat