Friday, the 5th of April

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Morning. Just chilling for a longer while. I woke up rather late, casue I went to sleep late as well.

But, after I finally got up, I started working on the third chapter of my thesis. Not the mere chapter yet, but huge research and preparations. I found a lot of useful sources and I'm going to work on them later this week and the next week. I worked till about 5pm. Then it was dinner and Duolingo time, plus more chilling.

Oh yeah, I took a short break from reading to call mum and talk to her for a sec. She told me about S. reaction to my gift<3 Priceless and heartwarming<3

It's 7:42pm now and I got up again to try and be a bit more productive. I might try and start working on my speaking class presentation. I basically have all the materials needed, I just need to arrange them and I don't really feel motivated to do so. But... if I finished the presentation today, I might take a free day tomorrow. We will see.

I managed to do the entire presentation and my plan of speech. Not bad, not bad at all! :D
I might genuinely take a day off tomorrow.

Then I played Buckshot Roulette. They actually added some new items, so I had to learn some new tactics, but it was really cool. I beat the normal gameplay once and then I switched to the double or nothing one. I failed the first two attempts at the first stage, but then I finally beat it! :D
I didn't take the challenge to double it tho xD

Then I simply switched to mc. I started building the aquarium that W. asked for and I think it turned out great :D
I haven't finished it yet, but it just needs some polishing now. It took me quite a while, tho. Hopefully she likes it.

I was going to watch the pre-prepared movies in the orgder I chose them, but some of them are really long, so I skipped a few (cause it's already 1:24am, but I still want to watch something).
But... Movie time!

An American Crime (2007):
Evan Peters movie :D
James Franco, hello. I don't remember what specific movie with him I watched, but there must have been something (apart from the Spider-Man). (I also really like his brother, from Now You See Me or Nerve.)
Awww here's the cutie!
Also, the woman was a mother in Percy Jackson as well, wasn't she?
And the girl's beauty is the same type as Billzo. Oh because the actor/actress is a boy. That's inserting.
Oh well. Rip.
Damn, this woman went crazy.
Leave him alone.
I really like Sylvia. She's the coolest. Poor girl :(
I wonder why does she don't like her specifically.
Don't tell me she's pregnant with Ricky...
Aww he still cares about her... </3 And to think she's still there...
Can someone please finally learn about Sylvia?
Ricky is the only normal one. Well... was.
Paula, finally.
What a little snitch...
Okay, Ricky redemption arc.
Wait... so she got murdered after all? What happened?

I didn't go to sleep immediately after watching the movie, cause W. came back and we talked and had a short rp with F. and M. In fact, I went to sleep after 4:30pm, I think... I wasn't really tired and I would have gladly stayed up, but I just didn't want to wake up too late the next day.

Oh yeah there were also those bitches who arrived at 3:30am in high heels and were anything but quiet. What a lovely bunch...

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