Thoughts After Meeting for the First Time

Start from the beginning

Your thoughts about him: Bruce, to you, was adorable in every way from how he worked to how he looked you were smitten and sure that he was already taken. When Tony had told you he was single and a few other things he shouldn't have said when introducing someone but it kind of made you happy. You loved listening to him talk about science in a way that was more of a cute way of rambling when he wasn't sure what he should say. You smiled when he nervously shook your hand, if you hadn't known about the Harlem incident you wouldn't believe this sweet man had caused it. You had never fallen in love with anyone as quickly as you had this man, he was already becoming the best thing in your life.

Thor Odinson

His thoughts about you: He had grown up with you so he had known you for a very long time now but when he first realized his feelings it was though he had just met you. He always watched you work with his mother and talk with his father, he knew that you were special to them and now you were something special to him. You were his world and he had just realized how much you mean to him, how your soft smile made his smile and the way you held his hand to reassure him. He was watching you like a love sick puppy, watching you like he had just remembered who you were and how much he loves you.

Your thoughts about him: You remembered meeting him as a child, he was such a loud and fun person to be around and now seeing him as a man you saw him differently. You watched him grow, watched him almost transform into this man before you even knew it was happening and before you even had a chance to protect your heart you were gone. You loved how hard he worked, loved him through his exile and you love him even now. His baby blue eyes, the way his smile would turn into a mischievous grin that always meant trouble for the both of you as kids, everything about him had suddenly turned into everything you love. You had no chance but you wouldn't have it any other way.

Loki Laufeyson

His thoughts about you: Annoyingly talkative, harsh, cold, the list goes on and on for him because he was not in any mood to make friends and yet you talked to him as though you were one. You were always talking to him even if he didn't want you to do so, you did it anyways. He never understood why until the day he saw you crying, the moment he saw that strong women he loathed turn into the soft women before him. He had never felt so much pain for someone else, he really didn't like it but he couldn't change it and it was killing him that he wasn't able to really comfort you properly. His previous thoughts on you changed, the way he watched you from his cell changed and when he was finally able to leave that cell the way he spent his time changed. Somehow in that time his heart had been stolen and the way he felt changed, he fell in love with you.

Your thoughts about him: Misunderstood, wrongly done, and so much more explained the man you were instructed to watch but none of it changed your thoughts on him. You had just met him and if you had never read his information or been warned by Thor to be careful around him you wouldn't have known how bad this man could be. You always saw the condescending way he looked at you but you never thought any differently because your heart was telling you he needed this, he needed your help somehow. You never could imagine how right you were, how much you meant to him but you knew he meant the world to you and that was enough for now.

Clint Barton

His thoughts about you: Strong, from the moment he laid eyes on you he saw how strong your heart was. He saw your sadness and how hard you tried to hide it with a sweet smile, a smile he had really taken a liking too. He didn't know why he wanted to spend all of his time with you, why he wanted to know everything about you or even why he was trying so hard to get your attention but here he was telling you about himself and trying to get you talking. You were suddenly the most important person in his life and he was damn sure going to make sure you were alright and you were happy.

Your thoughts about him: You were safe around him, even meeting him for the first time all you felt when around him was security and it made you genuinely happy. You loved his conversation, the way he seemed so into the topic, and how he moved his hands around when he talked. You had fallen for the archer rather quickly despite having only known him a short while. You were very happy with him and always felt the need to comfort him whenever you felt like he was even slightly upset. Why things like this happened you didn't know but you never questioned it and only left it up to fate.

James "Bucky" Barnes

His thoughts about you: When he first met you it was back in the forties and he was a different man and how he saw you then and how he saw you when he met you again those seventy years later did not change. You were still beautiful, still incredibly smart and even in trouble incredibly funny. You were his world before he even knew what he wanted and before he could remember who he was or who you were. Every time he thought about his first meetings with you all he thought of was how much he cared about you, how much your happiness meant to him and how unique you were. He remembered how sad your eyes looked when he couldn't remember your name but how much you clearly loved him despite this. He loves you even after all that time he never stopped, he may have temporarily forgotten but the feelings never left.

Your thoughts about him: He was adorable when you first met him, funny and flirty and everything you could ask for but when he disappeared and forgot everything you felt your heart break. You hadn't even realized how much you loved him until he was gone and you couldn't be with him again. When you found him by the lakeside he was different but in his eyes was everything you saw when you met him back then, everything you needed just hidden in confusion. You were there for him even if he didn't want you to be for a while, his slight smiles and occasional chuckles made your heart flutter just like back then, just like when you first met. It may have been hard for those years he was gone but you had never thanked fate more than the moment you met him again.

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