Chapter 188-Fresh Blood

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November 21st - November 24th, 2007

We had stumbled upon a case of disappearances and murders, with all the signs of vampires being involved. While we were driving to our motel, Sam and Dean were going over their master plan to catch the vampires who were responsible for the murders. I listened for a bit but got bored and decided to look out of the window at the passing cars. After a few moments, I began to fall asleep. Then someone snapped their finger "are you paying attention?" Dean asked me "what?" I asked as I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes.

"Are you paying attention?" He asked again "for what? I'm just going to be waiting for you in the motel anyway." | shrugged "not this time." Dean said "seriously?" I asked, surprised "we could use your help." Dean said "really?" I asked him with uncertainty laced in my voice "hey, you asked me to teach you, right?" He questioned as he looked at me in the rear-view mirror "uh, yeah." I answered hesitantly "then stop asking so many questions and listen to the plan." He said.

Ring! Ring! Ring!

He quickly answered his phone before I could reply "hello?" He asked. (...) "Bela?" Apparently, Bela had called to thank us for saving her, and for whatever reason, she was interested in the case we were working on. She seemed to be surprised to hear that we were tracking vampires and wondered where we were. It didn't take long to find a vampire we thought could be involved, and we chased her through a dark alley until we found a man bleeding out. We quickly ran over to him and realized he had been bitten in the neck.

As Sam crouched down next to him "hey, hey.
Don't worry. We're gonna call you some help, okay?" Sam said "where is she? Where'd she go?!" Dean shouted as the man gestured further down the alley, and Dean ran off. I stayed behind with Sam and the man. Sam called the police and waited until they said they were on the way. Then we ran down the alley to see Dean standing there with a woman attached to his neck. She dropped to the ground only a moment later, unconscious.

"Woo!" Dean shouted happily as he held a syringe of dead man's blood down to his side.
Sam and I ran up to him, both with concern on our faces "what?" Dean asked "cutting it a little close, don't you think?" Sam asked him "uh...that's just chum in the water. Worked, didn't it?" Dean said as Sam and I shared a look of concern. Dean looked down at his arm, where he now had a large cut "ow." He mumbled.

We had found an old, dingy, broken-down motel and brought the vampire there. While she was tied up to a chair in the middle of the room, still unconscious, we lined the windows with old mattresses and anything else that would block anyone from seeing in as we waited for a while until she finally came to and started looking around the room, completely terrified "you with us?" Dean asked as he leaned over her making her snap into reality and started tugging at her ties.

"Oh, yeah, sorry. You're not going anywhere." Dean said as he winked at her "where's your nest?" Sam asked her as she gave Sam a look of confusion and fear "what?" She asked "your nest...where you and your bloodsucking pals hang out." Dean said "I don't know what you're talking about." The vampire cried as Sam and Dean rolled their eyes, but something felt off to me. Either she was a real good actress, or she really didn't know what was going on "please! I don't feel good." She whined "yeah,'re gonna feel a hell of a lot worse if we give you another shot of dead man's blood." Dean said as he pulled out another syringe.

"Just let me go." She said as she struggled against the ties "yeah, you know we can't do that." Sam said "I'm telling you the truth. I'm just...I took something. I'm freaking out! I don't know what's going on!" She shouted as Sam crouched down next to her, now with a look of concern on his face "you took something?" Sam asked her "yes. I can't...come down. I just want to come down." She cried "what's your name?" Sam asked calmly "Lucy. Please. Just let me go." She begged.

"All right, Lucy, how about this? If you tell us what happened, we'll let you go." Sam said "you will? Uh, I don't, it''s not that clear. I was at Spider." Lucy said "spider?" Sam asked her "the club, on Jefferson. And there was this guy...he was buying me drinks." Lucy nodded "this guy...what's he look like?" Sam asked her "he was old, like thirty. He had brown hair, a leather jacket...uh, Deacon or Dixon or something. Said he was a dealer...he had something for me." She said "something?" Dean asked "something new. 'Better than anything you've ever tried.' He put a few drops in my drink." Lucy said "was the drug red and thick?" Dean asked her as she nodded, and then Dean shot Sam and me a look.

"Well, genius move there. That was vampire blood he dosed you with." Dean said "what?" She asked, shocked "yeah, you just took a big steamin' shot of the nastiest virus out there." Dean replied "you're crazy! He gave me roofies or something! No...the next thing I know, we're at his place, and he says he's gonna get me something to eat, just wait. But I get so hungry." She said "so, you busted out?" Sam asked "but it won't wear off...whatever he gave me." She said "lights are too bright? Sunshine hurt your skin?" Dean asked her "yeah...and smells. And I can...hear blood pumping!" She shouted.

"Well, I hate to tell you this, sweetheart, but your blood's never pumping again." Dean said "not mine...yours. I can hear a heart beating from half a block away. I just want it to stop." She said. I could see the sympathy in Sam's eyes as she looked over at him again "all right, listen, Wavy Gravy. It's not going to stop. You've already killed two people, almost three." Dean said "no, I couldn't. No! I was hallucinating!" She shouted "you killed them, all right? We've been following a sloppy trail of corpses, and it leads straight to you." Dean said.

"No. No, it wasn't real! It was the drug! Please! Please, you have to help me!" Lucy yelled as Sam nodded at Dean and me to leave the room for a minute, and we all turned to walk out "no, no." Lucy pleaded. When we walked into the next room, Sam shook his head and sighed "poor girl." Sam muttered "we don't have a choice." Dean shrugged as Sam sighed and shook his head. Dean walked back into the other room with his machete, leaving Sam and me behind "no...please!" Lucy cried, but then she screamed, and there was a loud thump.

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