Chapter 118-Putting An End To This Nightmare

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Driving down the road in silence with neither of us saying anything to each other until I sighed "Dean, something's bothering me." I said as he looked at me in the rear-view mirror "what's that?" Dean asked me "why'd you say you were worried about me yesterday?" I asked him "what're you talking about? I'm always worried about you. That's not new." Dean said "no, I mean when Andy made you tell the truth." I replied "oh, that was just mind control. I didn't know what I was saying." Dean brushed off.

"Dean.." I said "look, it just worries me that Andy's powers didn't work on you." Dean said "I'm fine guys.....I promise." I said as everything went back to silence, and I just stared out of my window as we made our way back to the Roadhouse.

When we got to the Roadhouse, we sat down at the bar. Ellen was standing behind it "Jo?" Ellen asked "hmm?" Jo said looking up from scrubbing down the bar "go pull up another case of beer. Have Nate help you." Ellen said "mom?" Jo asked confused "now. Please." Ellen said as Jo put her hand on Nate's head "come on, little brother." Jo said as Jo and Nate left the room, Ellen walked over to us " uh-you want to tell me about this last hunt of yours?" Ellen asked us "no. Not really. No offense, it's just kind of a family thing." Dean said.

"Not anymore. I got this stuff from Ash. Andrew Gallagher's house burned down on his six-month birthday, just like your house. You think it was the demon both times, don't you? You think it went after Gallagher's family?" Ellen said "yeah, we think so." Sam nodded "sam..." Dean said "why?" Ellen asked him "none of your business." Dean said "you mind your tongue with me, boy. This isn't just your war. This is war. Now, something big and bad is coming, and it's coming fast, and their side holds all the cards. Now, at best, all we got is us. Together. No secrets or half-truths here." Ellen said.

"There are people out there, like Andy Gallagher, like me. And um...we all have some kind of ability." Sam said "ability?" Ellen questioned "yeah. Psychic ability. Me...I have, um, I have visions. Premonitions. I don't know, it's-it's different for everybody. The demon said he had plans for people like us." Sam said "what kind of plans?" Ellen asked "we don't really know for sure." Sam said "these people out there, these psychics...they dangerous?" Ellen asked "no. Not all of them." Dean said "but some are. Some are very dangerous." Sam said "okay, how many of them are we looking at?" Ellen asked.

"We've been able to track a clear pattern so far. They've all had house fires on the night of the kid's six-month birthday." Dean explained "that's not true." Sam said "what?" Dean asked, confused "Weber? Or Ansen Weems, or whatever his name is...I looked at his files, and there was no house fire. There's nothing out of the ordinary." Sam said as the realization of that information shook me. That meant that the demon wasn't leaving a consistent trail.

"Which breaks pattern. So, if there's any others like him, there'd be nothing in the system. No way to track 'em all down." Ellen said "and so who knows how many of 'em are really out there?" Dean asked as Jo and Nate walked back into the room "Jo, Honey?" Ellen asked "yeah?" Jo answered "you'd better break out the whiskey instead." Ellen said.

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