Chapter 110-Stopping Him Before He Escalates Things

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The drive was awkward and silent, but we eventually made it to the farmhouse "I'm going in." I said as I got out of the car "stay close and do what we tell you." Dean instructed as Sam led us into the house, where we found Lenore tied to a chair with several cuts all over her body and Gordon looming over her with a bloody knife as Gordon smiled "come on in." Gordon said "hey, Gordon. What's going on?" Dean asked him "just poisoning Lenore here with some dead man's blood. She's going to tell us where all her little friends are, aren't you?" Gordon taunted.

"Grab a knife. I was just about to start in on the fingers." He said as he dragged the knife across her arm, her veins turning black as the dead man's blood entered her body "whoa, whoa, whoa, hey, let's all just chill out, huh?" Dean asked "I'm completely chill." Gordon said, eerily calmly "Gordon put the knife down." Sam said as he approached him, but Dean put his hand out to stop him "sounds like it's Sam here that needs to chill." Gordon said "just step away from her, all right?" Sam asked him "you're right. I'm wasting my time here. This bitch will never talk. Might as well put her out of her misery just sharpened it, so it's completely humane." Gordon said pulling out a larger knife as he turned to Lenore.

"Gordon, I'm letting her go." Sam said walking forward as Gordon pointed his knife at Sam's chest "you're not doing a damn thing." Gordon said as Dean slowly stepped forward "hey, hey, hey, Gordon let's talk abour this." Dean said "what's there to talk about? It's like I said, Dean.
No shades of gray." Gordon said as Dean nodded at him "yeah. I hear ya. And I know how you feel." Dean said "do you?" Gordon asked him as Dean nodded "that vampire that killed your sister deserved to die, but this one-." Dean said.

"Killed my sister? That filthy fang didn't kill my sister. It turned her. It made her one of them. So, I hunted her down, and I killed her myself." Gordon said as he laughed "you did what?" Dean asked, shocked as Gordon shrugged "it wasn't my sister anymore. It wasn't human. I didn't blink. And neither would you." Gordon said "so, you knew all along, then? You knew about the vampires. You knew they weren't killing anyone. You knew about the cattle. And you just didn't care." Sam said "care about what? A nest of vampires suddenly acting nice? Taking a little time out from sucking innocent people? And we're supposed to buy that?" Gordon asked him "trust me. Doesn't change what they are. And I can prove it." He said grabbing Sam cutting his arm and dragged him toward Lenore with his knife to Sam's neck.

As Dean pulled his gun out "let him go. Now!" Dean said "relax.....if I wanted to kill him, he'd already be on the floor. Just making a little point." He said as he held Sam's cut over Lenore, dripping blood on her face making her fangs pop out as she hissed while she struggled to reach Sam's arm "hey!" Dean yelled "you think she's so different? Still want to save her? Look at her." Gordon said "what do you expect her to do?! She's dying!" I yelled out "Addison." Dean warned "no. What's the point of this? If you know she isn't going to give you what you want, and you know she hasn't hurt anyone, why torture her? It's messed-up. That's not what we do." I said.

"You're young, you'll understand someday.....they're all the same. Evil, bloodthirsty." Gordon said as Lenore composed herself, retracting her fangs "no. No." She whimpered "you hear her, Gordon?" Sam smiled "no! No!" Lenore yelled as Sam pushed the knife away from his throat and pushed Gordon away "we're done here." Sam said "Sam, get her out of here." Dean instructed "yeah." Sam said as he untied Lenore and picked her up making Gordon stepped forward, but Dean cocked his gun.

"Ads, go with Sam." Dean said while staring at Gordon as I quickly turned and followed Sam out of the house as Sam put Lenore in the backseat, and I sat next to her. As we drove, I tried to clean her up "I'm really sorry. We aren't all like that." I said as Lenore smiled at me "I understand...believe me. Thank you for saving me." She said smiling at me and Sam who nodded in the rear-view mirror "my people are waiting for me just at the edge of town." She said.

Once we made it to where she was supposed to meet her people, there were a few cars parked on the side of the road "Addie wait in the car."Sam said as he got out and helped Lenore as I climbed over the front seat and waited for Sam watching as he helped her walk over to Eli, who embraced her and carried her to one of the cars. Some of the vampires thanked Sam, and then he got back in the Impala one the drive back to the farmhouse, I patched up Sam's arm "Sam?" I asked him "yeah?" Sam replied "do you think we can watch that movie now?" I asked him as Sam laughed "yeah, I think so." He replied.

When we walked into the house, Dean had Gordon tied to a chair both Gordon and Dean had cuts and bruises all over their faces "did we miss anything?" Sam asked him "nah, not much. Lenore get out okay?" Dean asked as I nodded at him "yeah. All of them did." I said "then I guess our work here is done." Dean said as he turned to Gordon "how you doin', Gordy? Gotta tinkle yet?" Dean said as Gordon just stared at him "all right. Well, get comfy. We'll call someone in two or three days, have them come out, untie you." Dean said as he stabbed a knife into the table in front of Gordon.

"Ready to go?" Sam asked "not yet." Dean said as he approached Gordon "I guess this is goodbye. Well, it's-it's been real." Dean said as he punched Gordon, knocking his chair backward as Sam cleared his throat while Dean sighed and smiled "okay. I'm good now. We can go." Dean said as we
followed Dean outside to the Impala until he stopped and braced himself "Sam? Clock me one." Dean said "what?" Sam asked him "come on. I won't even hit you back. Let's go." Dean said.

"No." Sam said as he shook his head "let's go. You get a freebie. Hit me, come on." Dean encouraged as Sam laughed "you look like you just went twelve rounds with a block of cement, Dean. Ill take a raincheck." Sam said as he walked over to his door and waited as Dean sighed and walked over to the driver's side "I wish we never took this job. It's jacked everything up." Dean said as Sam furrowed his brow "what do you mean?" Sam asked him "think about all the hunts we went on, Sammy, our whole lives." Dean said "okay." Sam said as he shrugged his shoulders.

"What if we killed things that didn't deserve killing? Ya know? I mean, the way Dad raised us-." Dean said "Dean, after what happened to Mom, Dad did the best he could." Sam said as Dean nodded "I know he did. But the man wasn't perfect. And the way he raised us, to hate those things, and man, I hate 'em. I do. When I killed that vampire at the mill, I didn't even think about it; hell, I even enjoyed it." Dean replied "you didn't kill Lenore." Sam said "no, but every instinct told me to. I was gonna kill her. I was gonna kill 'em all." Dean said as Sam nodded "yeah, Dean, but you didn't. And that's what matters." Sam replied.

"Yeah. Well, 'cause you two are a pain in my ass." Dean said as Sam nudged my shoulder and smiled "guess we'll have to stick around to be a pain-in-the-ass, then." I said as Dean nodded "thanks." He said "don't mention it." Sam said as he got into the car and I gave Dean a small smile before hopping in the backseat.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐞 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum