Chapter 90-Dead Man's Blood

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July 10th - July 12th, 2006

Manning, Colorado

We've been running around doing random hunts here and there as we finally stop at a diner to figure out where we're going next "well, dude

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We've been running around doing random hunts here and there as we finally stop at a diner to figure out where we're going next "well, dude.
Not a decent lead in all of Nebraska. What've
you got?" Dean asked as Sam clicked around on his laptop "well, I've been scanning Wyoming, Colorado, South Dakota. Here. A woman in lowa fell 10,000 feet from an airplane and survived." Sam said "sounds more like 'that's incredible' than, uh, 'Twilight Zone,' Dean replied "yeah." Sam said nodding.

"Hey, ya know, we could just keep heading east. New York. Upstate. We could drop by and see Sarah again. Huh? Cool chick man, smokin'. You two seemed pretty friendly. What do you say?" Dean said "yeah, I dunno, maybe someday. But in the meantime, we got a lot of work to do, Dean, and you know that." Sam said "yeah, all right. What else you got?" Dean asked him "uh, man in Colorado, local man named Daniel Elkins, was found mauled in his home."'Sam said, peering up from his laptop.

"Elkins? I know that name." Dean muttered "doesn't ring a bell." Sam said "Elkins... Elkins... Elkins..." Dean repeated under his breath "sounds like the police don't know what to think. At first, they said it was some sort of bear attack, and now, they've found some signs of robbery." Sam said as Dean leaned down and pulled out Dad's journal "mm-hmm. There, check it out." Dean murmured as he flicked through the journal until he found what he was looking for until finally he flipped the journal around to show Sam and me as he pointed to a name D Elkins 970-555-0158.

"You think it's the same, Elkins?" Sam asked him "it's a Colorado area code." Dean replied.

As we set off for Colorado, and fortunately, we were able to make it by dark when we arrived at Elkins' cabin, Dean picked the lock, and we walked in with our flashlights out taking a look at the now destroyed cabin "looks like the maid didn't come today." Dean said, looking around as
Sam walked over to a back door and kneeling down "hey, there's salt over here. Right beside the door." Sam said as I flicked through papers on the desk "you mean protection against demon salt, or 'oops I spilled the popcorn' salt." I said looking over at him.

"It's clearly a ring. You think this guy Elkins was a player?" Sam asked us "definitely." Dean replied as Sam walked up to Dean as he was flipping through a journal on the desk "that looks a hell of a lot like Dad's." Sam said "yup, except this dates back to the '60s." Dean replied as he tucked the journal into his jacket as we moved to another part of the house, which was in an even worse condition, the skylights in the ceiling were shattered, and there was glass all over the floor as Sam shined his flashlight at the ceiling.

"Whatever attacked him, it looks like there was more than one." Sam said "looks like he put up a hell of a fight too." Dean replied "yeah." Sam sighed as Dean crouched down and touched the floor "you got something?" Sam asked him "I dunno. Some scratches on the floor." Dean said "death throes, maybe?" Sam asked "yeah, maybe. Or maybe a message." Dean said as he showed us the paper "look familiar?" He questioned Sam as he nodded "three letters, six digits. The location and combination of a post office box. It's a mail drop." Sam replied "just the way Dad does it." Dean said.

Finding the post office and box as we open it finding a letter, but when Dean pulled it out, we were all stunned as we made our way back to the Impala and were silent for a moment, trying to figure out what was going on "'JW.' You think? John Winchester?" Sam asked us "I don't know. Should we open it?" Dean asked as we hear two loud knocks making all of us jump and look up to see Dad standing next to the Impala, staring at us, and then smiled "Dad?" Dean asked as he
opened the back door and slid into the back seat next to me.

"Dad, what are you doing here? Are you all right?" Sam asked him "yeah, I'm okay. I read the news about Daniel, I got here as fast as I could. I saw you three at his place." Dad said as he looked over at me and pulled me into a hug, kissing the top of my head "why didn't you come in, Dad?" Sam asked softly "you know why.....because I had to make sure you weren't anyone or anything. Nice job of covering your tracks, by the way." Dad smiled "yeah, well, we learned from the best." Dean smiled back proudly.

"Wait, you came all the way out here for this Elkins guy?" Sam asked "yeah. He was-He was a good man. He taught me a hell of a lot about hunting." Dad said "well, you never mentioned him to us." Sam said "we had a-we had kind of a falling out. I hadn't seen him in years. I should look at that." Dad said reaching forward and grabbing the envelope, opening it and reading the letter "If you're reading this, l'm already dead'...that son of a bitch." Dad muttered "what is it?" Dean asked him "he had it the whole time." Dad said as he shook his head, irritated.

"Dad, what?" Sam asked him "when you searched the place, did you, did you see a gun? An antique, a Colt revolver, did you see it?" Dad asked us "uh, there was, there was an old case, but it was empty." Dean said "they have it." Dad said "you mean whatever killed Elkins?" Dean asked him as he stepped out of the car and leaned into the driver's side window "we gotta pick up the trail." Dad said "wait. You want us to come with you?" Sam asked him "if Elkins was telling the truth, we gotta find this gun." Dad said "the gun...why?" Sam asked "because it's important, that's why." Dad said.

"Dad, we don't even know what these things are yet." Sam said "they were what Daniel Elkins killed best...vampires." Dad replied out of everything we hunted and knew existed out there, we were always under the impression that vampires didn't actually exist
"Vampires? I thought there was no such thing." Dean said "you never even mentioned them, Dad." Sam said "I thought they were extinct. I thought Elkins and-and others had wiped them out. I was wrong. Most vampire lore is crap. A cross won't repel them, sunlight won't kill them, and neither will a stake to the heart. But the bloodlust, that part's true. They need fresh human blood to survive. They were once people, so you won't know it's a vampire until it's too late. All right, let's find a motel. We can talk more there." Dad said as he started walking back to his truck.

"Uh, what just happened?" I asked, stunned by this situation as Sam and Dean both shook their heads, not really knowing what to say as dad popped his head back in "I almost forgot." He said handing me a necklace with a moon on it as I looked down smiling at it "happy birthday." He said as I smiled up at him "thanks, Dad." I said as he nodded at me.

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