Chapter 172-The Kids Are Alright

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May 21st - May 23rd, 2007

I had pulled myself back from helping Sam search for a way out of the deal

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I had pulled myself back from helping Sam search for a way out of the deal. I really didn't know what to do. There was no good outcome to just letting it happen or getting him out of it. Either way, I was going to lose someone loved, and I really wasn't sure how to deal with that yet. Sam, on the other hand, had been completely obsessed with getting Dean out of it. He had been making calls to Bobby every time Dean had left him alone for long enough. As we waited in a diner for Dean to come back with a newspaper, Sam had made a call to Bobby about a new lead he had found "what do you mean you don't think it will work, Bobby?" Sam asked, almost frantically "it's a demon-dispelling ritual." Sam said.

Knock! Knock!

Dean was standing outside of the window next to our table, holding up a newspaper for us to see. I smiled and waved at him. He did the same and then left to enter the building "well, maybe we got the translation wrong." (...) "look, we can't just let Dean fry in Hell while we-." (...) "well, there's got to be something that we-." Sam sighed as Dean approached the table, Sam quickly changed the subject.

"Oh, uh, yeah, no, uh, I.....I gotta go. Uh. Okay. Never mind." He said as he hung up. Dean sat down next to me, looking suspiciously at Sam "hey. Who was that?" Dean asked him "uh, I was just ordering pizza." Sam said quickly as Dean looked around "dude, you do realize that you're in a restaurant?" Dean sarcastically replied "yeah. Yeah. Oh, yeah.....just felt like pizza, ya know?" Sam stuttered as Dean furrowed his brow "okay, Weirdy Mcweirderton. So, I think I got something." Dean said.

"Yeah?" Sam asked him as Dean set a newspaper on the table "Cicero, Indiana. Falls on his own power saw." Dean said as Sam picked up the paper "and? What?
That's it? One power saw?" Sam asked "well...yeah." Dean shrugged "and you think that this is a case?" Sam asked "well, I don't know. Could be." Dean shrugged as Sam shook his head "I don't know, Dean. I-." Sam said "all right, there's something better in Cicero than just a case." Dean smirked.

Making me furrow my brow, completely confused as Sam shook his head "and that is?" Sam asked him "Lisa Braeden." Dean smiled "should I even ask?" Sam laughed "remember that road trip I took, uh...gosh, about eight years ago now? You two were in Orlando with Dad while he wrapped up that banshee thing." Dean said "yeah. Yeah, the five states, five-day...." Sam nodded "yeah. Well, kind of. Although I spent most of my time in Lisa Braeden's loft." Dean laughed.

"So, let me get this straight. You want to drive all the way to Cicero just to hook-up with some random chick?" Sam smirked as Dean raised his eyebrows "she was a yoga teacher. It was the bendiest weekend of my life-." Dean smirked as I put my hand up and shook my head "ew.
Ew. Stop." I groaned "come on. Have a heart, huh? It's my dying wish." Dean smiled "yeah, well, how many dying wishes are you gonna get?" Sam nodded.

"As many as I can squeeze out. Come on.
Smile! God knows I'm gonna be smiling after twenty-four hours with Gumby girl." Dean laughed as I frowned in disgust while Sam laughed as Dean smiled, looking back on the memories "gumby girl. Does that make me Pokey?" Dean said.

Dean pulled up in front of Cicero Pines
Motel, and hopped out with my bag while Sam got out with his computer bag, but as he was trying to grab his other bag, Dean started pulling away "don't wait up for me." Dean laughed "wait, Dean. Dean, you....Dean!" Sam yelled as he finally pulled his bag out of the car and slammed the door while Dean smiled at us and sped away as I shook my head and sighed "he's way too excited. It's almost sickening." I said as Sam laughed and put his arm around me.

"Yeah, well, it's his 'dying wish." Sam said as I looked up at him "how many of those are we actually going to let him have?" I asked him as Sam turned us toward the building, and we started walking "uh, well. Hopefully, he won't need too many more." Sam replied "did you figure out how to stop it?" I asked him "well, I thought I did, but Bobby told me otherwise this morning. I'm getting closer though, I can feel it." Sam sighed.

After Sam checked us in, we settled into our room and then went out to a diner. I ordered a burger and fries and sat there bored while watching Sam research how to break a demon curse on his laptop "anything good?" I asked in between bites of fry "uh, yeah." Sam said, without looking up "like?" I asked him "there's a lot. I'm just trying to narrow it down." Sam said, still looking at his screen "how's that going?" I asked, eating more
fries "uh, fine." Sam said, not looking up.

"Well, this is fun and all, but can I have some quarters?" I asked but, Sam ignored my question as if he didn't hear me "Sam?" I asked "hmm?" He asked, still not looking away from the screen as I groaned and got up picking up his bag off the floor and pulled out his wallet "hey, what are you doing?" Sam asked, finally looking up "oh, now you pay attention?" I asked him as I rolled my eyes "well, you can't just take money out of my wallet." He said rolling his eyes.

"All right, calm down. I'm sorry. I just wanted a few quarters." I sighed "for what?" Sam asked "well, this is really boring-." I muttered as Sam furrowed his brow "I'm trying to find a way out of this deal. You were so willing to help before, and now it's boring? Why don't you help me anymore?" Sam asked me "Sam...I can't." I murmured as he furrowed his brow "what? Why?" He asked me "because if I do, then I feel like I'm choosing one of you to live over the other. If I help you put an end to this, then I feel like I'm sentencing you to death. If I don't help, then at least I know Dean chose this and he feels good about it." I said as a single tear rolled down my cheek.

As Sam grabbed my hand and rubbed it with his thumb "it's all right. It wasn't fair for me to say anything. I'm sorry." Sam said "I just think we should make this last year the best we can for Dean." I said as Sam nodded and sighed "so, what did you need quarters for?" He asked me as I wiped the tears away and took a deep breath "I saw a few arcade machines when we walked in." I replied "ah, okay." He said as he reached into his wallet, pulled out a few quarters, and handed them to me.

"Thanks. Oh, don't get rid of my fries or eat them. I'm saving them for when I come back." I said as Sam laughed "all right. I won't touch them. Go have fun." He said as I went off to play some games, one of which happened to be Ms. Pac-Man. So, I put a quarter in and started playing. After a while, I ran out of quarters, but I stood back proudly, looking at the high scores. All of which were under MRW.

I walked back to our table and smiled "guess what?" I sang "what?" Sam sang back, but as he looked up from his laptop, I realized he had a strange expression on his face "all the high scores are mine." | smiled and sat down as Sam laughed hesitantly "nice." He mumbled "what's wrong?" I asked him "what? What do you mean?" Sam asked me "I mean, you're acting weird. What's wrong?" I asked again "oh, nothing. I'm fine." He said as he went back to typing.

As I looked down and gasped at my empty plate "aw, dude. You ate all of my fries." I groaned as Sam looked up quickly "oh, yeah. Sorry about that...I, uh...I got hungry." He said "I can't believe you would do this to me." I mumbled "uh, yeah. Sorry." He said as he looked back down "Sam? I'm joking." I said "seriously, is something going on?" I asked him "everything's fine. I promise." Sam said as he looked up and smiled.

I could tell he was hiding something "Sam....I." I said

Ring! Ring! Ring!

Sam answered his phone "hello." (...) "really?(...) "that is weird." (...) "uh, yeah. She's with me." (.) "all right. We are at a diner down the road from the motel." Sam said.

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