Chapter 187-Burning The Remains

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After we made our way to the house we had been staying in, Sam informed us that Gert told him that the Warren brothers killed their father for his money. This led to us researching the other victims, who all had pasts that may have resulted in spilling their own family's blood. While Sam continued researching, Dean had been going on about killing Bela, but I had been trying to convince him that it might not be the best idea.

"Ya know what, you're right. I'm not gonna kill her. I think slow torture's the way to go." Dean said "that's not really what I meant." I said as I shook my head "Dean, look, you gotta relax."Sam said "relax! Oh yeah, yeah, I'II relax. I can't believe she got another one over on us!" Dean shouted "you." Sam said as he looked up at him "what?" Dean asked with furrowed eyebrows "I....I mean, she got one over...on you...not us." Sam replied.

"Thank you! Sam. Very helpful." Dean said.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

"Hello? Could you open up?" Bela asked hurriedly as she pounded on the front door while Dean rolled his eyes and opened the door "just let me explain. I sold it. I had a buyer lined up as soon as I knew it existed." Bela said as Dean walked around her and made a shooting motion with his finger at the back of her head "so the whole reason for us going to the charity ball was...?" Sam asked "I needed a cover." Bela said as Sam nodded "you were convenient." Bela said "look, you sold it to a buyer. Just go, buy it back." Sam said "it's halfway across the ocean. I can't get it back in time." Bela said, looking worried.

"In time for what?" Dean asked her as Bela looked down anxiously "what's going on with you, Bela? You look like you've seen a ghost." Sam questioned "I saw the ship." She sighed "you what? Wow, ya know, I-I knew you were an immoral thieving con artist bitch, but just when I thought my opinion of you couldn't get any lower-." Dean said "what are you talking about?" Bela asked "we figured out the spirit's motive. This is the captain of our ship. The one who hung our ghost boy." Sam said "so?" Bela asked "so, they were brothers. Very Cain and Abel. So now our spirit, he's going after a very specific kind of target...people who've spilled their own family's blood." Sam explained as Bela looked stunned.

"See, first there was Sheila who killed her cousin in the car accident, and the Warren brothers, who murdered their father for the inheritance. And now you." Sam said "oh my god." Bela gasped "so, who was it, Bela? Hmm? Who'd you kill? Was it daddy? Your little sis, maybe?" Dean asked her "it's none of your business." Bela said "no? Right. Well, have a nice life...ya know, whatever's left of it. Let's go." He said as he walked to the door and picked up his jacket.

"You can't just leave me here." Bela said as she stood up "watch us." Dean said "Dean, she's right. We can't just let her die. After Bela, it's just going to be someone else." I said "so what? It's what these people deserve." Dean sighed "please. I need your
help." Bela pleaded "our help? Now how could a couple of serial killers possibly help you?" Dean asked her "okay, that was a bit harsh, I admit it, but it doesn't warrant a death sentence." Bela sighed "that's not why you're gonna die. What'd you do, Bela?" Sam asked her "you wouldn't understand. No one did. Never mind. I'll just do what I've always done. I'll deal with it myself." She said as she turned to leave.

"Bela, wait." I said and put my hand on her arm making her stop walking as I looked at Sam and Dean "you do realize you just sold the one thing that could save your life." Dean said as he looked up at Bela "I'm aware." She mumbled "well...maybe not the only thing." Sam said. We made our way to the grave of the ghost's brother, where Sam set up a ritual circle with five candles, a pentagram, a bowl of blood, and another bowl of herbs.

"Do you really think this is going to work?" Bela asked anxiously as Dean leaned against a tombstone with a shotgun over his shoulder "almost definitely not." Dean replied as thunder crashed, the wind whistled, and rain
started to pour "Sammy! You better start reading." Dean yelled as Sam lifted a book and started reading "Aziel, Castiel, Lamisniel, Rabam. Ehrley, et balam, ego vos conuro, per deum verum, per deum vivum cuivos cuiaves eos supermontes et per eum, qui adam, et avum formovit. Et per eum." Sam said.

"Stay close!" Dean shouted "behind you!" Bela gasped as Dean and I spun around to see our ghost approaching him from behind. The ghost reached out and threw Dean into a large tombstone. He moved forward and put his hand on Bela's cheek. She immediately dropped to her knees and started coughing up water as I ran over to her and offered her support as she continued aggressively coughing up water.

"Sam! Hurry!" I yelled as the wind started to slow, and the rain let up. Bela's coughing eased as the ghost turned to see his brother standing behind him "you...hanged me!" He yelled angrily "I'm sorry." The brother whimpered "your own brother." He growled "I'm so sorry!" The brother shouted then he charged at his brother, and they both burst into a splash of water. We all took a deep breath as the wind, rain, and Bela's cougining completely stopped.

We parted ways and made our way back to the house, and in the morning, we started packing. Then the front door opened, and Bela walked in "you should learn to lock your doors.
Anyone could just barge in." She said "anyone just did. Did you come to say goodbye, or thank you?" Sam asked her "I've come to settle affairs. Giving the spirit what he really wanted, his own brother...very clever, Sam. So here. It's ten thousand...that should cover it." She said as we all looked at the money and then back at Bela.

"I don't like being in anyone's debt." She replied "so, ponying up ten grand is easier for you than a simple thank you?" Dean asked her as Bela smiled faintly "you're so damaged." Dean muttered "takes one to know one. Goodbye." She said as she turned and left "she's got style. You gotta give her that." Sam said "I suppose." Dean shrugged "ya know, Dean, we don't know where this money's been." Sam said "no...but I know where it's going." Dean said as he laughed deviously.

Later in the Impala, Dean let us in on what he planned to do with the money "seriously? Atlantic City?" Sam asked "hell yeah! Play some roulette. Always bet on black. Hey, listen, I've been doing some thinking. Um...I want you to know I understand why you did it. I understand why you went after the crossroads demon." Dean said as Sam sighed "ya know, situation was reversed, I guess I'd have done the same thing. I mean, I'm not blind, I see what you two are going through with this whole deal, me going away and all that. But you're gonna be okay." Dean replied.

"You think so?" Sam asked him "yeah, you'll have each other, you'll keep hunting, ya know, you'll live your lives. You're stronger than me." Dean said as Sam and I gave him looks "you are!" Dean shouted as Sam cleared his throat "you both are. You'll get over it. But I want you to know I'm sorry, I'm sorry for...putting you through all this, I am." Dean nodded "you know what, Dean? Go screw yourself." Sam said "what?" Dean asked "I don't want an apology from you. And by the way, I'm a big boy now. I can take care of myself and Ads." Sam said.

"Oh, well, excuse me." Dean said sarcastically "so, would you please quit worrying about us? I mean, that's the whole problem in the first place. I don't think either of us wants you to worry about us, Dean. We want you to worry about you! We want you to give a crap that you're dying!" Sam shouted as Dean didn't say anything and just smirked "so, that's it? Nothing else to say for you?" Sam scoffed "I think maybe I'I play craps." Dean said as Sam and I rolled our eyes in disbelief. I understood that Dean wanted Sam and me alive and well, but if there was a way to keep him alive too, I just wish he would let us find it.

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