Chapter 132-The Sickness

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On the drive over, we only spoke a little. The man told us his name was Mark. He said that if we really did turn out to not be infected, he would do anything he could to help us get out.

Once we got to the clinic, we ran up to the door, but it was locked "Sammy? Open up!" Dean yelled as he pounded on the door as Sam appeared around the corner and let us in "did you guys, uh, get to a phone?" Sam asked us "roadblock. I'm gonna have a word. Doc's inside." Dean said as Mark nodded and then walked off down the hallway "what's going on out there, Dean?" Sam asked him "man, I don't know. I feel like Chuck Heston in the Omega Man. I mean, Sarge is the only sane person we could find. What are we dealing with, do you know?" Dean asked.

"Yeah. Doc thinks it's a virus." Sam nodded "okay, great. What do you think?" Dean asked "I think she's right." Sam said "really?" Dean asked as he furrowed his brow as Sam nodded "yeah. And I think the infected are trying to infect others with blood-to-blood contact. Oh, but it gets better. The uh, the virus? Leaves traces of sulfur in the blood." Sam said "a demonic virus?" I asked him "yeah, more like demonic germ warfare. At least it explains why I've been having visions." Sam said "it's like a Biblical plague." Dean said "yeah. You don't know how right you are, Dean. I've been poring through Dad's journal, found something about the Roanoke colony." Sam said.

"And?" Dean asked him "Dad always had a theory about Croatoan. He thought it was a demon's name...sometimes known as Deva or Reshef. A demon of plague and pestilence." Sam said "well, that-that's terrific. Why here, why now?" Dean said sarcastically "I have no idea. But Dean, who knows how far this thing can spread? We gotta get out of here. We gotta warn people." Sam said "they've got one! In here!" Mark yelled from the other room as we all looked at each other and quickly ran down the hallway.

"What do you mean?" Dean asked "the wife. She's infected." Sam said "we've gotta take care of this. We can't just leave her in there. My neighbors, they were strong. The longer we wait, the stronger she'll get,." Mark said as Dean barely hesitated before pulling out his gun and stalking into the room "you're gonna kill Beverly Tanner?" Pam gasped "doctor, could there be any treatment? Some kind of cure for this?" Sam asked calmly "can you cure it?" Dean demanded "for god's sake, I don't even know what it is!" Dr. Lee shouted.

"I told you, it's just a matter of time before she breaks through." Mark said pointing to a storage closet "just leave her in there. You can't shoot her like an animal!" Pam shouted "Sam." Dean nodded at him to go to the door as the boys and Mark walked to the door with their guns ready. Sam carefully opened it, and then Mark and Dean jumped in "Mark, what are you doing? Mark, it's-it's them! They locked me in here, they-they tried to kill me! They're infected, not me! Please, Mark! You've known me all your life! Please!" Mrs. Tanner pleaded.

"You sure she's one of 'em?" Dean asked as Sam nodded. I heard a gun cock, and I flinched in anticipation "plea-." Mrs. Tanner screamed, but she was cut short by a gunshot.

Everyone took a few minutes to calm down from what happened and then went about our ways as Mark staked out the place, Pam and the doctor ran tests, and I stayed with Sam and Dean while they cleaned and prepared weapons as we look up hearing glass shatter, and Pam screaming "oh, god! Is there any on me?! Am I okay?!" She yelled as we all ran into the back room to see what happened.

"Why are we staying here? Please, let's just go." Pam said to Dr. Lee "no, we can't, because those things are everywhere." Dean said "oh god..." Pam gasped "hey, shh, shh." Dr. Lee said patting her on the back "she's right about one thing. We can't stay here. We've gotta get out of here, get to the Roadhouse. Somewhere. Let people know what's coming." Sam whispered "yeah, good point. Night of the Living Dead didn't exactly end pretty." Dean mumbled "well, I'm not sure we've got a choice. Lots of folks up here are good with rifles...even with all your hardware, we're-we're easy targets. So, unless you've got some explosives..." Mark said.

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