Chapter 165-Waking Up From The Dream

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"Addison....Addison.....Addie." A familiar voice said making me gasp awake as I open my eyes to see Sam crouched above me "oh, thank god." He mumbled pulling me into a hug as I winced, feeling so weak that it was almost painful, but when I saw Dean leaning against the wall, I jumped up and ran over to him, pulling him into a hug "I'm so happy to see you." I squeezed "that bad, huh?" Dean asked as I pulled away and looked up at him, he was pale, and his eyes were rimmed red "jeez, do I look as bad as you?" I asked him "well, you don't look great." He said.

"Dean..." Sam said as we looked over at him, he was looking at a girl hanging, tied up by her arms. It was the same girl that had appeared in my bedroom, but she looked worse than Dean.
She was gray. The djinn had her hooked up to an IV, draining her blood to feed on "it's her..." I said quietly "you saw her too?" Dean asked me as I nodded up at him, and then we walked over to her. As we walked up, we passed by the djinn, who now laid lifeless on the floor. Dean put his hand to her neck, feeling for her pulse "she's still alive!" Dean yelled as Sam came over and started cutting at her ropes while Dean pulled the IV out of her neck and caught her when she was released.

"I gotcha. I gotcha. We're gonna get you out of here, okay?" Dean soothed as the girl let out a small wheeze "I got you." Dean said softly. After we dropped the girl off at the hospital, we made our way back to our motel room. Where Dean and I shared our stories of our alternate realities with Sam "so, are you two all right? You look pretty beat-up." Sam asked us as I nodded "yeah, I'm all right. You should have seen it. Our lives. You were such a wussy, Sam. And you were such a brat." Dean said as he looked at us "so, we didn't get along then, huh?" Sam asked him "nah." Dean shrugged.

"Yeah...I thought it was supposed to be this perfect fantasy." Sam said "it wasn't. It was just a wish. I wished for Mom to live. That Mom never died, we never went hunting, and you and me just never uh...ya know." Dean said "yeah, neither was mine. I wished for us to have normal hunting. But Dean was dead, and hated Dad and me. I couldn't wait to get back here." I said "yeah. Well, I'm glad we do hunt. And I'm glad you tried to dig yourselves out. Most people wouldn't've had the strength...would have just stayed." Sam said as he shrugged "yeah...I gotta tell you, though, man. Ya know, you had Jess. Mom was gonna have grandkids...I was going to work it out with you, and...I was going to set you straight." Dean said as he looked at me.

"Yeah, wasn't real." Sam said "I know. But I wanted to stay. I wanted to stay so bad. I mean, ever since Dad...all I can think about is how much this job's cost us...we've lost so much. We've...sacrificed so much." Dean said "but people are alive because of us."'Sam said as Dean scoffed "it's worth it, Dean. It is. It's not fair, and...ya know, it hurts like hell,'s worth it." Sam said.

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